A weekly round-up of ctcLink learning opportunities, ctcLink support updates, and news for Washington state community and technical college ctcLink users.
If you have questions or suggestions for future editions, contact ctcLink News or slnelson@sbctc.edu.
What ctcLink learning opportunities are available?
ctcLink Support eLists
ctcLink Customer Support teams send notifications of learning opportunities (including trainings, work sessions, user acceptance testing, and more), as well as global and cross-pillar system communications to the applicable ctcLink Support eLists (aka listservs) on a regular basis.
If you are a ctcLink end-user, and not already hearing about learning opportunities firsthand, join one or more support lists today: ctcLink Support eLists
Training calendar
Find the latest learning opportunities, including notices of cancellation or schedule changes, on the ctcLink Training & Learning Opportunities Registration page or on the SBCTC meetings and events calendar (apply filters).
Take a training tour
View the ctcLink Training Overview video for a quick online tour of resources. To view it in full screen, select box icon in the upper right corner.
Learning Opportunities & Work Sessions Ahead
To plan further ahead or find the latest learning opportunities, as well as notices of cancellation or schedule changes, see the complete calendar at the ctcLink Training & Learning Opportunities Registration page or on the SBCTC meetings and events calendar (apply filters).
Resource | Description |
ctcLink Training Quick Reference Guides | The ctcLink Training Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) in the ctcLink Reference Center lists and links to recordings of sessions delivered by the Training Team. |
Work Sessions in Canvas | The Work Session Canvas Course lists and links to recordings of sessions, including CS Core-offered Work Sessions. Register for the course(s) at ctcLink Training & Learning Opportunities Registration. |
ctcLink Security Documentation & Training | Find ctcLink Security-related training materials, documentation, Quick Reference Guides (QRGs), useful queries, and more on the ctcLink Security Documentation & Training page. |
Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forums | SBCTC hosts monthly Accessibility and ctcLink Open Forums to engage Washington's community and technical college system in discussions around ctcLink accessibility and technology. Find materials and recordings from past ctcLink Accessibility Forums on the website. |
Learn about how to register, badging opportunities, and more at the Professional & Personal Development Workshops page.
Registering for the workshops is easy!
- Visit the SBCTC meetings and events calendar
- Filter by "CTC Professional Development » Personal & Professional Development Suite"
- Click "Sign up" button to enroll
Date | Time | Event |
Feb 25 | 1pm | Psychological Safety in the Workplace |
Feb 27 | 1pm | Time Management - Wait List |
Mar 3 | 1pm | Effective Communication Strategies |
Mar 6 | 1pm | EQ (Emotional Quotient) |
Mar 11 | 1pm | Managing Stress Part 1 |
Mar 13 | 1pm | Managing Stress Part 2 |
Mar 18 | 10am | Top Tier Customer Experience |
Mar 20 | 1pm | Mental Health: Awareness & Support |
Mar 24 | 10am | Teams/Team Bonding |
Mar 27 | 1pm | Vicarious Trauma |
Apr 1 | 1pm | DSAP (Dependable Strengths Articulation Process) |
Apr 3 | 1pm | Psychological Safety in the Workplace |
Apr 7 | 1pm | Time Management |
Apr 10 | 1pm | Mindframe: Turning Negative Thoughts into Positive Actions |
Apr 15 | 1pm | EQ (Emotional Quotient) |
ctcLink News
The PAW Travel & Expense Taskforce Seeks your Bright Ideas
The Process Alignment Workgroup (PAW) Travel & Expense Taskforce pilot team is looking for ideas to improve and align the current Travel & Expense Process.
You can submit your thoughts anonymously or add contact information to receive a follow-up: Bright Ideas: Travel & Expense Suggestion Box
What is PAW?
The Process Alignment Workgroup (PAW) is a systemwide, college-led volunteer effort formed at the behest of WACTC presidents to create common ctcLink business processes in the three ctcLink pillars (Campus Solutions, Human Capital Management, and Finance).
PAW efforts are supported by SBCTC project management office and ctcLink team members, but no additional state or college funds or resources are available to offset these efforts.
Travel & Expense (including Travel Authorizations and Expense Reports) is the focus of the pilot taskforce.
Learn more about the PAW Travel & Expense Taskforce
- "Process Alignment Workgroup (PAW) News," ctcLink CONNECT, Jan. 22, 2025
- Process Alignment Workgroup (PAW) Project Info Guidein the ctcLink Reference Center.
To contact the Process Alignment Workgroup, please reach out to Jason Hetterle, PAW Team Lead, Wenatchee, Valley College Director of Technology & Enterprise Solutions, 509-682-6446 or jhetterle@wvc.edu.
Join a ctcLink Support eList (aka LISTSERVs)
Any Washington state community and technical college ctcLink PeopleSoft users — including SBCTC staff, ctcLink, and IT teams — are encouraged to join one or more ctcLink-related Mailman eLists (aka LISTSERVs).
Find a list — or two or three or four — and join today at ctcLink Support eLists.
Connect with your ctcLink peers and colleagues
- ctcLink Customer Support sends updates, outage notices, changes to configuration, training and workshop opportunities, global and cross-pillar communications to colleges.
- College subject matter experts (SMEs), PeopleSoft users/stakeholders can use the lists to ask their college peers questions about how they do things in ctcLink, best practices, local training plans, and more.
ctcLink Alert: ctcLink Production Environment – Server Maintenance
On Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, 7 to 9 a.m. SBCTC will be installing important Oracle patches.
The entire ctcLink production environment will remain offline during the maintenance window.
Users logging into ctcLink will be directed to an offline notice with links to college Canvas sites.
Canvas will not be impacted.
System Environments
ctcLink Support Page (includes Planned Service Outages)
- PRD Server Maintenance. Production Server Maintenance is scheduled for Feb. 22, 7-9 a.m.
- PCD Data Refreshes normally take place on the first Monday of every month. We anticipate the next PCD data refresh will be Monday, March 3.
- HCX Versions. We are currently on Version 24.2.1, deployed November 2024. Our next adoption will be all versions through HCX 25.2 in October 2025. HighPoint delivers releases three times a year, corresponding with the PeopleSoft Image Update schedule.
- PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Update Image. We are currently on Image 32, deployed November 2024. Our next adoption will be of Images 33, 34 and 35 in October 2025. Oracle delivers CS Image releases three times a year.
- PeopleSoft PeopleTools Updates. We are currently on 8.59.21, deployed April 27, 2024. Our next adoption will be of PeopleTools 8.61 in April 2025. Oracle delivers PeopleTools releases every 12 to 18 months. PeopleTools provides the underlying technology for PeopleSoft applications, including Campus Solutions. PeopleSoft applications are built, deployed, and maintained using PeopleTools.
Are You Receiving ctcLinkAlerts?
SBCTC uses the ctcLinkAlerts eList to send notices about planned downtime for system updates, production alerts, urgent issues, and any unplanned downtime.
Each college maintains a local ctcLinkAlerts email distribution list (e.g., ctclinkalerts@columbiabasin.edu, ctcLinkAlerts@spscc.edu) which your ctcLink College Leader maintains as needed.
These college lists, not individuals, are subscribed to ctcLinkAlerts@lists.ctc.edu.
It’s each college’s choice who to include, but typically colleges include their local ctcLink leadership, local ctcLink committee or taskforce members, key subject matter experts, IT, Help Desk, and PIO.
How to Check the Status of an Enhancement Request
The ctcLink Customer Services Teams have documented all Enhancement Request (ER) forms submitted.
The ctcLink Enhancement Request Status lists are updated the first and third Wednesday of each month to align with the ctcLink Working Group calendar.
You can see where each Enhancement Request is in the governance review process, approval status, and/or any other actions taken in a couple of different views.
High-Level Summary At-a-Glance
The Full Enhancement Request List is sorted by status.
CS Support Updates
Admissions: Start off Strong!
We’re pleased to announce a new quick reference guide QRG: Maintaining Applications: Program/Plan & Admit Term Updates Before Matriculation.
This new QRG provides a step-by-step guide for making any data changes needed to an Application for Admission that has not yet been matriculated. The QRG covers how to make changes for applications in the current term as well those involving a future term.
It also touches on some options for tracking those changes (comments, actions reasons).
Shared SSNs
Have you reviewed the Duplicate SSN by Term – More Than One EMPLID QARS report recently?
This returns EMPLIDs that are using an SSN found on another EMPLID. Sometimes this is a duplicate EMPLID situation, sometimes not. Either way, it WILL cause reporting issues if it’s not fixed!
Please review this report for your college and see if there’s a duplicate that needs to be reported or just bad SSN data that needs to be updated. If you have determined that the wrong SSN has been assigned to an individual who is not a student at your institution, please submit a verified SSN ticket and CS Core Support will remove the SSN and document it’s removal on your behalf.
CS Core Learning Opportunities
CS Core Training
CS Core Trainings, a valuable learning opportunity, are held on the third Wednesday of every month from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The dates may change, and notifications will be sent in advance. The CS Core training alternates between refreshers and different process approaches. We highly value your participation and welcome all end-users to attend these training courses. You can find details about upcoming meetings on the SBCTC Calendar, CS Core Weeklyish CORErespondence, and CS Core listserv. Please visit the QRG Campus Solutions Learning Opportunities Recordings for a list of previous recordings.
CS Core Training: Term Withdrawals
Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 8:30 – 10 a.m., Learn more and join the session
Join us for an essential training session to ensure your college accurately records term withdrawals and maintains compliance with reporting requirements. Your participation is vital to ensure compliance and seamless reporting.
This training will guide you through the Term Withdrawal process, which is crucial for:
- Accurately recording student withdrawals for Financial Aid offices.
- Meeting National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) reporting requirements.
Key Highlights:
- Understanding the Term Withdrawal process post-census date.
- Learning to record dates for students who withdraw from all classes, resulting in zero units.
- Clarifying that this process applies only to full-term withdrawals and excludes partial course withdrawals.
Module(s): Student Records
Primary Audience: Staff involved with the Term Withdrawal process.
Related QRGs: Processing Term Withdrawals, Processing Term Withdrawals to Recognize 100% Refunds
Prerequisite Course(s): SR102 Beginning of Term Processes
CS Core Training: Processing Deceased Students
Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 8:30 -10 a.m., Learn more and join the session
Join us for a thoughtful and informative training session designed to guide you through the sensitive process of managing records for deceased students with professionalism, empathy, and adherence to institutional policies.
- Systematic steps to handle deceased students' records respectfully.
- Best practices for institutional compliance.
This training aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate this responsibility with care and confidence.
Module(s): Student Records
Primary Audience: Records Staff
Related QRGs: Processing a Deceased Student Record, Entering Decedent Data
CS Core Work Sessions
Campus Solutions (CS) Core Work Sessions, open to ALL end users, are generally held the first Thursday of each month, from 1 to 3 p.m., but may be offered on an alternative schedule (e.g., to accommodate holidays).
The CS Functional Support team facilitates, alternating between functional team delivered content and college user delivered content with functional team support. Each meeting includes time for colleges to ask questions about other topics or service tickets.
In 2025, CS Core Work Sessions will:
- Include community engagement within each session (rather than have a formal, predetermined college panel). As possible, we will post the anticipated questions ahead of time so that you can be prepared.
- Dedicate at least the last half hour (2:30-3:00 pm) to Open Q&A.
- If the scheduled session ends early and all related questions have been answered, Open Q&A will begin (i.e., it may begin earlier than 2:30 but will begin no later than 2:30)
Find details on the SBCTC Calendar and in the CS Core Weeklyish COREspondence (sent on Fridays to the CSSupport listserv).
Core Sessions: College System & SBCTC Calendar
Coming up next!
Join us for CS Core Work Session: Term Setup on March 6.
PeopleSoft is used internationally, and we benefit from the WORLD (literally) of existing resources, experience, and knowledge. The configuration of our instance of PeopleSoft, ctcLink, is customized for our system and SBCTC has developed additional resources to support ctcLink users specifically. But it doesn’t matter how many resources exist if you don’t know how, or where, they are!
Join us for this session and we’ll teach you how to find the answers you need.
- Knowledge sharing (questions we’ll invite all participants to answer):
- Did you know that SBCTC’s membership covers college users?
- How many people have accessed HEUG?
- How do you introduce and promote resources on your campus?
Questions? Contact CS Core Support.
Date | Time | Event |
March 6 | 1pm | CS Core Work Session: Term Setup |
April 3 | 1pm | CS Core Work Session: ctcLink Student Alert |
May 1 | 1pm | CS Core Work Session: Caring for Your Service Indicators |
June 5 | 1pm | CS Core Work Session: A Treasury of Tiny Topics |
July 17 | 1pm | CS Core Work Session: Tracking Student Populations |
Aug 7 | 1pm | CS Core Work Session: Managing Enrollment with a Side of Search/Match |
FIN Learning Opportunities
Travel and Expenses Q&A Drop-In
Recurring every SECOND Monday of the month, 11 a.m. to noon, join us for a collaborative, interactive and troubleshooting drop-in support session on everything Travel and Expenses. This session is not recorded, unless otherwise noted.
- 11 – 11:30 a.m., Training: Come learn or share something new.
- 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., Q&A: Please come with your questions or issues and be ready to share your screen.
Monday, Feb. 24, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Travel and Expenses Q&A Drop-In |
Monday, March 31, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Travel and Expenses Q&A Drop-In |
Monday, April 28, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Travel and Expenses Q&A Drop-In |
FIN Work Session: Grants/Projects Q&A Drop-In Sessions
NEW! Recurring every SECOND Monday of the month at 11 a.m. join the ctcLink Finance Customer Support team for a collaborative, interactive and troubleshooting drop-in session on everything Grants/Projects.
Questions? See the contact information listed in the event calendar listings below.
Need help with setting up FY25 grants? Feel free to reach out to Michele Rockwell, MSML, ctcLink Finance Functional Analyst.
You are invited to drop in with any questions related to grants and projects at the open Q&A sessions.
Monday, Mar 10, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Grants/Projects Q&A Drop-In |
Monday, Apr 14, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Grants/Projects Q&A Drop-In |
Monday, May 12, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Grants/Projects Q&A Drop-In |
FIN Work Session: Asset Management Q&A
Every third Tuesday from 11 a.m. to noon, join the ctcLink Finance Customer Support team for a collaborative, interactive and troubleshooting drop-in session on all things Asset Management.
- 11 – 11:30 a.m., Training: Come learn or share something new.
- 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m., Q&A: Please come with your questions or issues and be ready to share your screen.
Some examples of topics:
- Tagging Active Assets
- Excel to CI Asset Upload
- Processing issues
- General questions
Tuesday, March 18, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Asset Mgmt Q&A Drop-In |
Tuesday, April 15, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Asset Mgmt Q&A Drop-In |
Tuesday, May 20, 11 a.m. | FIN Work Session: Asset Mgmt Q&A Drop-In |
Finance (FSCM) College Users Production Support Meetings
Meetings are held every Tuesday, from 2 to 3 p.m.
These sessions are open to ALL Finance (FSCM) end users. The ctcLink Finance Customer Support team provides updates on Service Tickets, PeopleSoft enhancements, and open forum time to ask questions or request future topics.
The ctcLink Finance Subject Matter Experts list received a calendar invitation to Upcoming Finance Users Production Support meetings.
Didn’t get the invitation? Reach out to Shon Dicks-Schlesinger, Associate Director of Finance Functional Support.
Tuesday, March 4, 2 p.m. | FIN Work Session: FSCM Prod Support Meeting |
Tuesday, March 18, 2 p.m. | FIN Work Session: FSCM Prod Support Meeting |
Monthly Student Finance/General Ledger SF/GL Open Forum
Every second Wednesday, 2 to 3 p.m., the SBCTC Business Operations Accounting team invites you to bring your questions (and solutions) to share during this open forum meeting space for all things Student Finance/General Ledger (SF/GL) related.
There is no formal agenda as we welcome all questions about everything from item types and second journal sets to waivers, queries, or internal cash reconciliation.
See the SBCTC meetings and events calendar and look for ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting.
Wednesday, March 12, 2 p.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting |
Wednesday, April 9, 2 p.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting |
Wednesday, May 14, 2 p.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting |
ctcLink Accounting Team: Reconciliation & Open Q&A Sessions
Every Thursday, 10 to 11 a.m., join the ctcLink Accounting Team for weekly work sessions aim to provide accounting support and guidance in regarding but not limited to the various reconciliation topics and processes. We will cover a specific topic(s) and then move to open Q&A.
Thursday, Feb. 20 , 10 a.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: Recon Session on Escheatment Liability - 2001080 |
Thursday, Feb. 27, 10 a.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: Recon Session on PO/AP Receipt Accrual - 2001090 |
FA Support Updates
Action Required: Cancel Any FA Jobs & Processes Scheduled 5-7p.m., Thursday, Feb. 27
Financial Aid Peoplesoft Release Patchset (FA PRP) 2.1 will be implemented in ctcLink Production the evening of Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025.
Any recurring FA JobSets or processes scheduled to run between 5 and 7 p.m. must be canceled prior to 5 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 27.
FA JobSets left running during this timeframe will delay installation of this important FA patch.
Detailed steps can be found in the Process Take-Down Instructions QRG.
Once the migration is validated, colleges will be notified that JobSets and processes can be rescheduled.
Questions? Contact Stephanie Casino, Senior Functional Analyst, Campus Solutions (Financial Aid).
Known FAFSA Issues QRG
SBCTC continues to update the FAFSA Simplification 2024-2025 Known Issues in ctcLink QRG.
Please check back with this document at least once a week. New bug findings are being added as we find them. This document contains the issue at hand, potential workarounds, and timelines expected to resolve the issues.
FA Learning Opportunities
Financial Aid Training
Loan Exit Counseling Processing (Intermediate Level)
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025, 9 - 10:30 a.m., Learn more and join the session
Loan processing staff responsible for managing exit counseling notifications and email bounces
- Understand the difference between the emailed Loan Exit Counseling notification and the paper print out Loan Exit Packet options
- Understand how to work email bounces using Communication Management
- Understand how to test Loan Exit communications before sending them through Communication Generation
- Understand how to print batch Loan Exit Packets using Communication Generation
Contact Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer (Financial Aid).
ISIR Processing Refresher
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 9 - 10:30 a.m., Learn more and join the session
New Financial Aid Staff (and staff who need a refresher) who are responsible for ISIR processing in the 25/26 AY
- Understand how to set/update User Defaults for the new AY
- Understand the steps in ISIR Processing
- Upload/download process
- FA Inbound
- Process Imported ISIRs
- Understand how to load ISIRs using the File List Driven process and the Single File process
Contact Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer (Financial Aid).
ISIR Correction Fundamentals
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 9 - 10:30 a.m., Learn more and join the session
New Financial Aid Staff (and staff who need a refresher) who are responsible for ISIR processing and file corrections in ctcLink for the 25/26 AY
- Understand how to make ISIR Corrections on specific scenarios
- Making Corrections on an Alien Registration Number
- Processing Dependency Override/Homeless Youth Determinations
- Processing Special Conditions/Special Circumstances/EFC Adjustment Request
- Understand how to Process ISIR Corrections in ctcLink using the following steps:
- Process ISIR Corrections
- Create Federal Data File
- Upload/Download File Process
Contact Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer (Financial Aid).
Financial Aid Work Sessions
COD Show & Tell
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025, 1-3 p.m., Learn more and join the session
Join your colleagues to learn from our valued FA community member, Chloe Hays, LWIT Assistant FA Director. Learn how to use COD to find student awards, MPNs, batch file information, PLUS loan batches, and all sorts of other COD fun in a system YOU in FA need to perform your jobs.
Audience: Only Financial Aid Staff with COD access, geared towards newer users
Presenters: Guest Speaker: Chloe Hays, Assistant Director of Financial Aid (Lake Washington Institute of Technology) & Kelly Forsberg, (SBCTC) ctcLink FA Functional Trainer
EdConnect Show & Tell
Thursday, March 27, 2025, 1 – 3 p.m., Learn more and join the session
Only Financial Aid staff with EdConnect access should attend.
Lorena Saucedo, Assistant Director of Financial Aid (Tacoma Community College) & Kelly Forsberg, (SBCTC) ctcLink FA Functional Trainer, will present this session geared towards newer users.
Join your colleagues to learn from our valued FA community member, Lorena Saucedo, Tacoma Community College Assistant FA Director, in a financial aid community Show & Tell on how to send/receive files in EdConnect, how to identify varying message class files, what to look for and just general functionality in a system YOU in FA need to perform your jobs.
Contact Kelly Forsberg, ctcLink Functional Trainer (Financial Aid).
HCM Support Updates
Human Capital Management Tax Update 25-A
The Human Capital Management Tax Update 25-A upgrade was implemented in production on Feb. 13, 2025.
The HCM Tax Update 25A - February 2025 document includes functional changes includes changes users will experience for the Payroll for North America module:
- Updated Federal / State Tax Table
- Local Tax Table Changes
- Garnishment Rule Changes
- Program Funding Configuration-Delaware Paid Leave
- Program Funding Configuration Table Updates for Colorado, Oregon, and Vermont
- Pre-calculation Audit Report
- New Tax Class: 9S - State FICA (memo earnings)
- Updated Federal W-4 PDF in ESS
- 2024 W-2C Form Functionality Changes
HCM Learning Opportunities
HCM Work Sessions
Human Capital Management (HCM) meetings are held every other Wednesday, from 1 to 3 p.m. The HCM Functional team along with the training team offers Work Sessions and Training Sessions around the different functionality in HCM.
For calendar details, search the ctcLink Learning Opportunities calendar at SBCTC meetings and events and apply Human Capital Management filter.
Questions? Contact HCM Customer Support.
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1 p.m. | AB100 Absence Management Canvas Course Review |
Wednesday, March 12, 1 p.m. | TL100 Time & Labor Canvas Course Review |
SF Support Updates
SF Training Survey Findings
The SBCTC Student Financials team sent out a survey requesting feedback regarding training. Thanks to college feedback, several actions are being taken:
- Moving forward, SF Trainings have been moved from Thursday mornings to Monday afternoons. This change was made to avoid scheduling conflicts with SBCTC Accounting meetings.
- A short break will be included for learning opportunities lasting longer than one hour.
- Continued cross-pillar sessions will be held to ensure your understanding of information and data flow from one area to another. There is a lot of interconnectivity in ctcLink and we know the importance of colleges being able to understand how everything connects.
- Session recording pages located in respective Canvas courses are being updated to
reduce the number of older versions delivered.
- For example, the Fall Back to Basics (Cashiering, Payment Plans, Refunds) has been delivered multiple times in the last summer/early fall. Only the most recent delivery of the session will be housed on the Training Videos page. All previous recordings are being archived but can still be accessed outside of the page if needed.
- Learning Opportunities are being scheduled on a monthly basis to include one training and one work session. Additional sessions will be added/delivered as needed.
We look forward to the continued effort on collaboration and assisting with learning outside of our classrooms.
Q&A Sessions: Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (ER 266)
The Student Financials team is implementing Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (SFRA) Enhancement Request 266 in production in March 2025.
Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (SFRA) ER 266 Q&A Sessions
- Q&A Session 1: Monday, March 3, 2025 10 a.m., Join Session
- Q&A Session 2: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 1 p.m., Join Session
Each session is a repeat of the same information, so select the time and date that works best for you to attend. This presentation will also be recorded and distributed for any users unable to attend one of the Q&A sessions.
College staff in Student Services should be familiar with this enhancement, including the submission methods available to students.
Staff assisting students with past-due balance holds, especially those at risk of being sent to collections, must know how to access and review the SFRA.
Attending a Q&A session is optional, but users affected by this change are encouraged to attend.
About the SFRA
The implementation of a global Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (SFRA) is essential to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, mitigate institutional financial risks, and provide a consistent framework across all community and technical colleges (CTCs) in Washington. This enhancement will ask students to agree to a global set of terms and conditions either via ctcLink or via a paper form once per academic year.
Please visit the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for more information.
Reach out to Caitlin Stein, Test Coordinator, if you have any questions or concerns.
SF Learning Opportunities
Please feel free to reach out to SFSupport@sbctc.edu if you have any questions or need further clarification.
SF Work Sessions
2024 1098-T Processing
Please mark your calendars for the training and drop-in sessions listed below.
For any of the trainings we will also offer Friday morning “follow-up” drop-in hours from 8 to 11 a.m. for 1098-T follow up questions and assistance.
Primary Audience: Student Financials staff
Related QRGs: 1098-T Guide
Contact Email: SFSupport@sbctc.edu
Date/Time | Work Session | Training Webex |
Monday, March 171 to 3 p.m. | FIRE account submissions | SF Work Session: 2024 1098-T Processing |
Monthly Student Finance/General Ledger SF/GL Open Forum
Every second Wednesday, 2 to 3 p.m., the SBCTC Business Operations Accounting team invites you to bring your questions (and solutions) to share during this open forum meeting space for all things Student Finance/General Ledger (SF/GL) related.
There is no formal agenda as we welcome all questions about everything from item types and second journal sets to waivers, queries, or internal cash reconciliation.
See the SBCTC meetings and events calendar and look for ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting.
Wednesday, March 12, 2 p.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting |
Wednesday, April 9, 2 p.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting |
Wednesday, May 14, 2 p.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting |
Wednesday, June 11, 2 p.m. | ctcLink Accounting Team: SF/GL Open Forum Meeting |
Query Developer Learning Opportunities
How to Enroll in Query Developer Courses
It’s easy to enroll in Query Developer Courses.
- Visit the ctcLink Training Registrationpage,
- Select the class(es) from the Designated Query Developer Training section,
- Follow the sign-up process.
More for PeopleSoft Query Developers
Find more ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Development resources including forms, documentation, and tools at the ctcLink PeopleSoft Reporting web page.
Security Updates
Security role copy functionality has been deployed to production. User acceptance testing for Automated Offboarding is underway.
The ctcLink Security team is keeping busy with the PeopleTools 8.61 update, the HCM Tax Update, auditing Service Accounts, and the Financial Aid Peoplesoft Release Patchset (FA PRP) 2.1.
The Role Templates that colleges requested to be moved to production have now been successfully transferred to Production in all three pillars.
ctcLink Accessibility Monthly Open Forum
Join us! The ctcLink Accessibility monthly forums engage Washington's community and technical college system in discussions around ctcLink accessibility and technology. We aim to improve communication and transparency while providing space for productive and solution-focused dialog. Our main objective is to deliver accessible technology for all our students, staff, and the larger community.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, 11 a.m. to noon.
Please join us for the next ctcLink Accessibility Open Forum on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 11 a.m. All are welcome to attend via Zoom.
- Zoom meeting link: ctcLink Accessibility Open Forum 2024 and beyond
In case you missed a meeting, please see materials from past Open Forums.
Keeping the Lights On
In a ctcLink world populated with acronyms and mysterious jargon, the Application Services teams are the “pillar behind the pillars” for Washington’s community and technical colleges 24/7 by supporting ctcLink pillars, systemwide IT applications, environments, accessibility improvements, testing, and managing the network data load behind-the-scenes.
While you may never meet them directly or understand what they do, they support you every day.
- Development deployed to production this week
- Data fixes and bug fixes in HCM, CS, and FSCM
In Progress
- In Development, SIT, UAT, and Completed
- PeopleTools 8.61 retrofit development is complete. Tickets:
- 207942 PeopleTools 8.61 - Portal Retrofit - Completed.
- 207944 PeopleTools 8.61 - Finance Retrofit - Completed.
- 207953 PeopleTools 8.61 - Campus Solutions Retrofit - Completed.
- 207956 PeopleTools 8.61 - Human Capital Management Retrofit - Completed.
- 208038 PeopleTools 8.61 Cybersource - No retrofit needed.
- 208040 PeopleTools 8.61 Nelnet - Needs new Java version.
- 208042 PeopleTools 8.61 Clean Address - No retrofit is needed.
- 208043 PeopleTools 8.61 - OAAP - No retrofit is needed.
- 208046 PeopleTools 8.61 CampusCE - No retrofit is needed.
- 208048 PeopleTools 8.61 OKTA - No retrofit is needed.
- 208809 PT8.61.08: Accessibility Help QAB - All Pillars. HCM-1529, FS-1897, CS-2325.
- 209385 PT 8.61 - global search throws javascript error on transactional pages. SR open with Oracle, in progress.
- 209053 PT 8.61 CS LP Homepage Error in CSAUT and CSTRA. Resolved. This was a showstopper.
- 25-26 FA PRP 2.1 - No retrofit needed.
- Analyze and evaluate SUE->Cloud drive proposal
- App Engine for Yearly Updates to CS and ST Salary Plans. Ticket 207571. We are developing an app engine to automate a complex process that the HCM functional has had to do manually every year with Excel to CI. Development is in progress.
- Automatically Resubmit Asynchronous IB Errors. Ticket 200430. On hold for higher priorities.
- Character errors in TAM. Tickets 204166, 192823, and 192248. Currently in SIT. Sarah Sullivan is going to start with questions about how the employees are posting jobs. This may be a training issue instead of a code change.
- Enhancement FWL Employee Record Look Up. Ticket 148615. In SIT.
- Enter time, report time, and other time pages we are exploring new functionality with configurable headers. The plan is to replace the drop zone and use the now accessible configurable headers to display information about the job the person is entering time for. The HCM functional team completed the enhancement request. This will solve a years ongoing accessibility issue as well as weekly tickets from customers requesting this functionality.
- ER 203 - PTF LTD Report. Ticket 164932. Ready for deployment to production. HCM functional team asked for a delay in deployment, will go to production Feb. 20 after payroll.
- ER 219 - Automation of adjustments to vacation / sick time donations for Shared Leave. Ticket 168718. Currently in development.
- ER 232 - Adding Custom Self-Service Questions in Campus Solutions. UAT is in progress.
- ER 242: Offboarding Automation. In UAT. There were some issues that came up in UAT. Mia fixed them all and after passing SIT on 2/18, it's back in PQA.
- ER 253 - Make a Payment Page Classic to Fluid. Development is in progress. Ticket 181828.
- ER 285 - Purchase of EPM tool from Oracle for use to do Book to Bank reconciliation. Progress presented at the Strategic Technology Advisory Committee Meeting on 2/13/2025. The group agreed that ER 285 should be canceled and brought through governance again. The new submission will exclude the requirement of purchasing the EPM tool and instead just have the requirements without being prescriptive in the specific solution. We will be continuing development of the customization once that's been approved.
- ER-171 TAM Enhancements. Ticket 163606 and HCM-1292. It's in SIT.
- Gather contacts from Vendors
- GL_EXCL_BATC is hanging up the process monitor in FSPRD. Ticket 204146. We are unable to replicate anymore. Ticket back with Brandy to reactivate GL_EXCL_BATC in FSPRD.
- HCM Image 50: Preferred Name Issue in Update Dependent/Beneficiary Page. Ticket 203133. Oracle development completed fix and it will come with image 51.
- Support Nelnet connector upgrade testing in PQA
- Support PeopleTools Update project.
- Support testing for 199915 and 198623 CampusCE fixes.
- Support tickets related to integrations
- Tax updated 25A retrofit completed. In SIT starting 2/6/25 after the PTS refresh. Ticket 208940, HCM-1521.
- Working with Nelnet, the CS SF team, and Managed Services for the Nelnet SBCTC Campus Solution Connector Install upgrade project. In UAT now.
- Support OAAP, CampusCE, HCX and OKTA integration enhancements, bug fixes.
- Support tickets related to PS integrations
- Support Nelnet connector upgrade testing in PQA.
- Understand and document OIC capabilities for future integrations.
- Review and analyze web apps usage feedback.
- Support and monitor 3rd party integrations.
- ER 232 Self Service questions, phase II and additional accessibility updates