Each college district and the SBCTC agency has identified one individual to serve as its primary ctcLink College Leader, often referred to as the ctcLink Point of Contact (PoC).

The primary ctcLink College Leaders are the voting members representing their college districts on the ctcLink College Collaboration Group in the ctcLink governance structure.  

The ctcLink College Leader is expected to:

  • Serve as the primary point of contact with SBCTC for all college-related ctcLink matters
  • Attend ctcLink College Collaboration Group meetings
  • Provide cross-pillar and system-wide perspective
  • Coordinate local efforts related to ctcLink
  • Provide local oversight for training, communications, testing, reporting, and other change management activities

Two ctcLink College Leaders (college points of contact) serve as College Voting Members on the ctcLink Working Group.

  • High-level understanding of the ctcLink system
  • Cross-pillar and system-wide perspective
  • Systems and strategic thinker
  • Strong networking skills
  • Collaborative, respected and influential
  • Understanding of policy and process issues
  • Ability to listen actively and advocate for colleges
  • Firm grasp of project and change management principles a plus

  • Ensure all colleges have ownership and a voice in decision-making related to ctcLink
  • Participate in prioritization for ctcLink system changes to make efficient use of technology investments
  • Engage Business Systems Analysts and subject matter experts in cross-college collaboration
  • Partner with SBCTC PMO and Support teams
  • Raise issues for holistic and global solution by SBCTC
  • Continue to work toward refining common processes across the system
  • Coordinate/disseminate best practices to optimize system usage


The time commitment will vary from college to college, but there must be a minimal commitment to attend regularly scheduled meetings related to ctcLink governance; specifically, the ctcLink College Collaboration Group and other meetings related to ctcLink governance and prioritization.


Members of the group will attend meetings virtually via web conference. In-person attendance may become an option if/when appropriate.

What does the college or agency need to do?

To designate a new ctcLink college leader, your college president or chancellor submits a new official ctcLink College Leader Appointment Form.

  • It is required that the president or chancellor completes the form to personally acknowledge their college's commitment to this important leadership role.
  • Your college or district may indicate one or more backup ctcLink College Leaders on the form.
  • Email completed form to Grant Rodeheaver and CC Dani Bundy and Sherry Nelson to expedite onboarding.

What happens next?

Among other things, new ctcLink College Leaders will:

  • Receive a welcome message with resources
  • Be invited to the ctcLink College Collaboration Group meetings
  • Get subscribed to the ctcLink Point of Contacts (PoC) closed list
  • Be added to ctcLink College Leaders web roster
  • Attend a short PoC roles and responsibilities orientation with Dani Bundy and Roger Curry

The name listed below is the primary contact, but some colleges have named backups to share the load.

College Name Title Email
Bates Technical College Cielito Lane Dean of Enrollment / Registrar Cielito.lane@batestech.edu
Bellevue College Alex Monaghan (she/her) Executive Assistant Alex.monaghan@bellevuecollege.edu
Bellingham Technical College Christian Campbell Helpdesk Supervisor ccampbell@btc.edu
Big Bend Community College Jackson Wilks Executive Director of Finance  JacksonW@bigbend.edu
Cascadia College Sandy Nelson IT Systems & Change Manager snelson@cascadia.edu
Centralia College Frances Mayfield Business Analyst frances.mayfield@centralia.edu
Clark College Ronniesha Ford-Spears Business Analyst RFord-Spears@clark.edu
Clover Park Technical College Pamela Jeter Director of Information Technology pamela.jeter@cptc.edu
Columbia Basin College Erica Jesberger Business Analyst (Campus Solutions Pillar) ejesberger@columbiabasin.edu
Edmonds College Beth Farley ctcLink Project Manager beth.farley@email.edcc.edu
Everett Community College Sindie Howland Associate Director, Change Management & Process Improvement showland@everettcc.edu
Grays Harbor College Derek Edens Chief Executive of Information Technology derek.edens@ghc.edu
Green River College Dan Holverson CIO/Executive Director of IT dan.holverson@greenriver.edu
Highline College Patricia Daniels Deputy Chief Information Officer & ctcLink Director  pdaniels@highline.edu
Lake Washington Institute of Technology Kaytlyn Hoch Business Applications Director Kaytlyn.Hoch@lwtech.edu
Lower Columbia College Nichole Seroshek ctcLink Project Manager/Business Process Analyst nseroshek@lowercolumbia.edu
Olympic College Richard Lunden ctcLink Director rlunden@olympic.edu
Peninsula College Pauline Marvin-Smith Business Applications Analyst  pmarvin@pencol.edu
Pierce College District Paula Henson-Williams ctcLink Project Director phenson@pierce.ctc.edu
Renton Technical College Lia Homeister ctcLink Project Manager lhomeister@rtc.edu
SBCTC Choi Halladay Deputy Executive Director, Business Operations challaday@sbctc.edu
Seattle Colleges Mark Baumann ctcLink Campus Solutions & Data Specialist Mark.Baumann@SeattleColleges.edu
Shoreline Community College Douglas Haub Lead Business & Data Analyst dhaub@shoreline.edu
Skagit Valley College Brian Culver Director, Information Technology Brian.Culver@skagit.edu
South Puget Sound Community College Sam Bayne Director of Systems and Applications sbayne@spscc.edu
Spokane Colleges Leslie Dawson (interim) IT Project Management Leslie.Dawson@ccs.spokane.edu
Tacoma Community College Jason Sandusky Associate Director of IT jsandusky@tacomacc.edu
Walla Walla Community College Lisa Chamberlin Dean of Enrollment Strategies lisa.chamberlin@wwcc.edu
Wenatchee Valley College Jason Hetterle Director of Technology & Enterprise Solutions jhetterle@wvc.edu
Whatcom Community College Matt Connelly ctcLink Business Analyst mconnelly@whatcom.edu
Yakima Valley College Angie Foster Business Analyst afoster@yvcc.edu