Peer and Professional Learning Calendar
The purpose of this calendar is to provide a comprehensive listing of intentional and collaborative peer and professional learning opportunities. These events, a variety of workshops, institutes, communities of practice, and lunch and learn webinars, are intended to support system understanding of the guided pathways framework, application of essential practices to local contexts, experimentation with connections among practices, evaluation of the impact on equitable student success, and adaptation and iteration of practices.
Please check back often for updates and new opportunities for engagement.
Find materials, event details, and other information below for upcoming and previous events.
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Upcoming All-College Events
- January 17, 1-2:30 p.m.: Developing our BTC Practice: Thinking Questions
- January 17, 9-10:30 a.m.: Guided Pathways Advisory Council
- January 21: Lunch-and-Learn: Leveraging Generative AI for Student Success in STEM, Keller Flint-Blanchard, GRC
- January 23-24: Faculty Developers Retreat
- February 7, 1-2:30 p.m.: Building Thinking Classrooms “Book Club” Chapters 4-7
- February 19: Online coach check in and training
- February 28: Faculty Developers community of practice meeting
- February 28: FYE/College Success Winter Meeting
- March 5-7: Scheduling Retreat with Ad Astra
- March 7, 1-2:30 p.m.: Developing our BTC Practice: Curriculum-Aligned Questions
- March 14: Building BEdA Math Pathways, Pasco
- March 28: Faculty Developers community of practice meeting
- April 11, 10-3:30 p.m.: K16 Data Science Convening, UW Hans Rosling Center for Population Health
- April 11, 1-2:30 p.m.: Building Thinking Classrooms “Book Club” Chapters 12-15
- April 17, 9-4 p.m.: Innovation and AI in Guided Pathways Summit
- April 22, 2-3 p.m.: Engaging with Data in Math, Statistics, and Science Using CODAP
- April 23, 3-4 p.m.: Regression & Multivariable Thinking in MATH& 146, Halley McCormick, WWCC
- April 29-May 1: Assessment, Teaching, and Learning Conference
- May 1 - 3: Washington College Math Conference, Wenatchee
- May 6, 2-3 p.m.: What’s New in Desmos Graphing
- May 9: Bridge to College K-16 Convening, Eastside
- May 13, 2-3 p.m.: Polypad Virtual Manipulatives with David Poras
- May 15-16: Rural College Convening
- May 16, 1-2:30 p.m.: Developing our BTC Practice: Assessment
- May 16: FYE/College Success Community of Practice Spring Meeting
- May 21, 3-4 p.m.: Inference in MATH& 146, Halley McCormick, WWCC
- May 25: Faculty Developers community of practice meeting
- May 27, 2-3 p.m.: Teaching Routines that Engage Students with Tamara Smith, OESD Math Coordinator
- June 6, 1-2:30 p.m.: Building Thinking Classrooms “Book Club” Chapters 12-15
- June 30 - July 1: Building Thinking Classrooms National Conference, Seattle
- October 1, 1-2 p.m.: Placement Pilot Group Check-In
- October 4, 1-2:30 p.m.: Developing our BTC Practice: Thinking Questions
- October 15, 1-2 p.m.: Lunch & Learn: Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices, Corey Kline, EvCC
- October 16: Coach Check-In: First Connections with Colleges
- October 18, 1-2:30 p.m.: Building Thinking Classrooms “Book Club” Introduction
- October 22, 1-2 p.m.: Lunch & Learn: Math in the First Year Research Brief, SBCTC
- October 24-26: Northwest Math Conference, Whistler (Canada)
- October 25: Faculty Developers community of practice meetings
- October 25, 9-10:30 a.m.: Guided Pathways Advisory Council
- October 25: Operationalizing Workplans, Kate Kreig Learn Consulting
- October 29, 1-2 p.m.: Lunch & Learn: TCC Math Pathways & Placement Reform, Chris Willet, TCC
- November 1, 10-2 p.m.: Bridge to College K-16 Convening, TCC
- November 1, 1-2:30 p.m.: Developing our BTC Practice: Curriculum-Aligned Questions
- November 5, 1-2 p.m.: Lunch & Learn: Virtual Escape Rooms, Sherri Warren, East Wyoming College
- November 7-8: Fall Math Retreat: Placement Summit, EvCC
- November 12: Data Dashboards: Exploring Statewide Data
- November 12, 1:30-2:30 p.m.: Lunch & Learn: Simulation-Based Methods in Statistics, Halley McCormick, WWCC
- November 14-17: AMATYC, Atlanta
- November 19: Online Technical College Convening
- November 19, 1-2 p.m.: Lunch & Learn: YVC Math Pathways & Placement Reform, Matt Lewis, YVC
- November 22, 9-1:30 p.m.: Guided Pathways Leads: Operationalizing Workplans (part 2/2) Kate Kreig Learn Consulting
- November 22: Faculty Developers community of practice meetings
- November 22, 1-2:30 p.m.: Building Thinking Classrooms “Book Club” Chapters 1-3
- December 6, 2024: Developing our BTC Practice: Assessment
- December 18, 2024: Optional Coach Drop-In Session
Moriah Reid-Nnanabu
Administrative Assistant
Brook Bane
Program Specialist
Dawn Draus
Math Pathways and Placement Policy Associate
Guava Jordan
Assessment, Teaching, and Learning Policy Associate
Amunoo Tembo
Student Success and Pathway Navigation Policy Associate
Monica Wilson
Director, Student Success Center and Strategic Iniatives