

Following are specific trainings provided by BEdA staff. Each training lists the BEdA Staff that are involved in that training. If you have general questions regarding our trainings, please contact Christy Lowder.

Trainings that are required

New Member CASAS Cadre Training is now available year-round as an asynchronous online course in Canvas® that is designed for instructors and staff who are newly assigned to be CASAS Cadre. By the end of the New CASAS Cadre Member course, participants will have a basic understanding of the main features of CASAS tests and the CASAS Cadre’s role on campus, plus participants will know how to find testing-related resources.

Time Commitment
·         Canvas: Open all program year PY25 - Registration

CASAS Cadre Roles & Responsibilities

·         Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship & Compliance Analyst

This is required training for individuals serving as CASAS Cadre in the 2024-25 academic year. By the end of the CASAS Cadre Refresher, participants will have reinforced their understanding of SBCTC assessment policy and CASAS protocols.

This training is optional for Program Directors who are not Cadre Members. Each provider should maintain two (2) CASAS Cadre members. If New CASAS Cadre Member training was completed the in fall, this training is recommended but not required. 

Time Commitment:

  • Zoom: April 30, 2025, from 1-3:30 p.m.


  • Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship & Compliance Analyst

This is required training for individuals serving as CASAS Cadre in the 2023-24 academic year. By the end of the CASAS Cadre Refresher, participants will have reinforced their understanding of SBCTC assessment policy and CASAS protocols.

This training is optional for Program Directors who are not Cadre Members. Each provider should maintain two (2) CASAS Cadre members. If New CASAS Cadre Member training was completed the in fall, this training is recommended but not required. 

Time Commitment

  • Zoom: May 1, 2025, from 9:00-11:30 a.m.


  • Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship & Compliance Analyst

 LACES Full Access User Training PY2024-25 is an online asynchronous self-paced Canvas course to get an overview of local data collection, review, and reporting requirements as they relate to the LACES application and learn how federal, state, and local provider data are related. This is a required training course for new users with data entry access and should be completed within the first two (2) weeks of starting the position.

Time Commitment:

  • Canvas: Open all program year PY25 - Registration coming soon


  • Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship & Compliance Analyst

National Reporting System (NRS) training is an online asynchronous Canvas course that provides an overview of the federal reporting under WIOA, highlights recent NRS changes and how federal, state, and local provider data are related. This is required training for new BEdA Deans/Directors and should be completed within the first two (2) quarters of starting the position.

Time Commitment:


  • Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship & Compliance Analyst

NRS Data Quality Refresher Training is for deans and directors via live online webinar. To best meet your training needs, we have set up two online trainings options. Please register for one (1) online training.

Participating in this NRS Refresher is required for all BEdA Deans and Directors and strongly recommended for other team members with program coordination responsibilities in order to reinforce NRS requirements.

Time Commitment:

  • Zoom: May 21, 2025 from 1-3 p.m.


  • Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship & Compliance Analyst

NRS Data Quality Refresher Training is for deans and directors via live online webinar. To best meet your training needs, we have set up two online trainings options. Please register for one (1) online training.

Participating in this NRS Refresher is required for all BEdA Deans and Directors and strongly recommended for other team members with program coordination responsibilities in order to reinforce NRS requirements.

Time Commitment:

  • Zoom: May 22, 2025 from 9:00-11:00 p.m.


  • Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship & Compliance Analyst

Additional pages:

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