
Following are specific trainings provided by BEdA staff. Each training lists the BEdA Staff that are involved in that training. If you have general questions regarding our trainings, please contact Christy Lowder.

BEdA Training - Fall Quarter 2024-25

ABCs of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) is a fully online learning opportunity for faculty and staff who work with current and transitioning students in Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) programs to focus on the fundamental aspects of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

In addition to building an EDI vocabulary, participants will explore concepts that include identity, structural oppression, understanding bias, and interrupting microaggressions within a context that centers Basic Education for Adults programming and students. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore and share their campus and program efforts surrounding EDI and to learn more about what SBCTC is doing to advance equity and close equity gaps for all students, with a particular emphasis on students in Basic Education for Adults programs.

Time Commitment:

Canvas: October 14 - December 31, 2024


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator

This presentation will provide an introduction and overview to the context and challenges of teaching ELL multilevel classes in a Corrections Education environment. It offers research-based instructional strategies for teachers and ways in which computer programs and workbooks can support teachers working in this setting. The presentation will identify the benefits of working with multilevel ELL classes and highlight the significant challenges that come with teaching a diversity of levels, subjects, and programs. In the first part of the presentation, we give a brief overview of ELL placement and assessment, and we will address considerations and possibilities for grouping students and provide instructional strategies that have been found to be successful for multilevel classes. The other part of this presentation focuses on the role curriculum and digital resources can play in helping teachers manage the complexities of multilevel classes. Finally, we will have some time to answer questions and share best practices and resources. This presentation will provide an overview and introduction to steps that can be taken to make a program offering multilevel ELL classes more effective and successful.

  • Participants will understand the placement and progression of ELL students in a Corrections Education classroom.
  • Participants will comprehend best practices that support multilevel ELL instruction that engages and supports long-term English learning.
  • Participants will be able to navigate and use ELL digital resources and curriculum to better serve their students.

Time Commitment:

In-person:  November 15, 2024 from EITHER 11 am-Noon, or 3-4 pm


  • Ricardo Chavez, Director of Adult Basic Education at CRCC and WA State Pen.
  • Chastity Pennington, BEdA Corrections Ed. Program Administrator

Teachers learn the fundamentals of contextualization, the fundamentals of team teaching Teachers and how to integrate standards and outcomes and how to develop lesson plans, assignments, and assessments.

This course requires full collaboration from the teaching team, so for this specific training to live up to its intended purpose, we are asking that faculty sign up and participate as a team! 

Space is available for up to 12 teaching teams. Teaching teams are committing to a five-week course with approximately 20 hours of participation and content. The course is completely asynchronous with no required synchronous components.

Time Commitment

Canvas: October 11 - November 22, 2024


Karen Lee, Lake Washington Institute of Technology

The aim of this training is to recall and strengthen previously acquired knowledge and skills. The training, in combination with the answers to your questions, will enhance your understanding of LACES procedures and raise your awareness of recent system updates. These trainings are offered each quarter so staff can attend as needed.

This training is intended for LACES Full Access users. Please forward this invitation to BEdA administrative staff as you see appropriate.

Time Commitment

Zoom:  November 13, 2024 from 9-11 am


Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship and Compliance Analyst

The Navigating Through Conference is a professional development and training opportunity specifically for Washington State Navigation and Student Support Staff who serve adult learners in our Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) programs. Activities in this annual conference may include retreat and affinity spaces, concurrent sessions, plenaries, and student panels. This conference aims to provide a platform for professional development for BEdA navigators, advisors, and other student support staff across the system to collaborate, reflect, and consider diversity, equity, and inclusion in their own practice.

Time Commitment:

In-person:  October 24-25, 2024


  • Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator
  • Nicole Hopkins, BEdA Policy Associate
  • Chastity Pennington, BEdA Corrections Ed. Program Administrator

The purpose of the orientation is to provide the essential information that new Directors, Deans or Administrators in a federally funded Basic Education for Adults program need to be successful in their role, and to answer any and all questions you may have. The 2024 orientation will be offered in a hybrid format, with a number of Canvas modules available to provide information on topics such as:

  • System Structure, Organization and Vision
  • The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
  • Program Funding and Fiscal Management
  • Program Reporting
  • BEdA Special Programs
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Professional Development Opportunities

The online asynchronous (Canvas) portion of the training will be held from September 23-October 8th. We will hold an in-person gathering on the campus of the SBCTC September 27, 2024, from 9am- 3p.m, will include a meet and greet as well as an overview of the Canvas Course. The second event is an optional check-in will take place October 30th from 10:00-11:00am over Zoom and will include an orientation debrief and provide space for questions and answers.

Time Commitment:

  • Canvas: September 23 - November 15, 2024
  • In-person: September 27, from 9 am -3 pm
  • Zoom: Directors Debrief, October 30, 2024 from 10-11 am


MarcusAntonio Gunn, BEdA Policy Associate

This asynchronous course is designed for instructors who have entered the Washington Basic Studies system in the last year and provides an overview of the Washington Basic Education for Adults system and current initiatives within the system. No previous experience is needed in using the Canvas online platform.

Time Commitment:

Canvas: December 2, 2024 - January 31, 2025


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator

Cohort training program for BEdA Faculty, deeply rooted in the National Reading Apprenticeship Framework, with the primary goal of equipping educators with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to effectively teach and model reading and writing skills. Through this program, faculty will cultivate a classroom environment that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and analysis, ultimately enhancing student literacy abilities and preparing them for success in academic and professional endeavors. 

Time Commitment:

In-person: November 22, 2024 @ Highline College


MarcusAntonio Gunn, BEdA Policy Associate

Teaching the Skills That Matter (TSTM) is a national framework that supports teachers with integrating the nine skills the matter to adult students using three approaches that work best across five critical topic areas.

Members of this learning community will convene in person at Highline College for the cohort kick-off, have two (2) virtual convening, and access learning materials in an asynchronous Canvas course to deepen their understanding of the content, share how they are implementing changes, and gain feedback from their colleagues. Further, participants will contribute to a repository of resources that can be used in any setting, including corrections and offline learning environments.

**When signing up participants are agreeing to:

  • Attend the in-person TSTM cohort kick-off!
  • October 11, 2024, at Highline College; 9 AM – 4 PM
    • Attend two virtual trainings; three (3) hours (total);
  • November & December 1:30 - 3 pm
    • Commit to facilitating two lessons (TSTM made lessons or integrating TSTM framework into an existing lesson).
    • Submit lesson reflections (with guided questions) one week prior to the virtual trainings; two (2) total.


  • Christie Knighton, Highline Community College
  • Dawn Kroontje, Whatcom Community College
  • MarcusAntonio Gunn, BEdA Policy Associate

Teaching the Skills That Matter (TSTM) is a national framework that supports teachers with integrating the nine skills the matter to adult students using three approaches that work best across five critical topic areas.

Members of this learning community will convene in person at Columbia Basin College for the cohort kick-off, have two (2) virtual convening, and access learning materials in an asynchronous Canvas course to deepen their understanding of the content, share how they are implementing changes, and gain feedback from their colleagues. Further, participants will contribute to a repository of resources that can be used in any setting, including corrections and offline learning environments.

**When signing up participants are agreeing to:

  • Attend the in-person TSTM cohort kick-off!
  • November 8, 2024, at Columbia Basin College; 9 AM – 4 PM
    • Attend two virtual trainings; three (3) hours (total);
  • December & January 1:30 - 3 pm
    • Commit to facilitating two lessons (TSTM made lessons or integrating TSTM framework into an existing lesson).
    • Submit lesson reflections (with guided questions) one week prior to the virtual trainings; two (2) total.


  • Christie Knighton, Highline Community College
  • Dawn Kroontje, Whatcom Community College
  • MarcusAntonio Gunn, BEdA Policy Associate

BEdA Training - Fall Quarter 2025-26

ABCs of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) is a fully online learning opportunity for faculty and staff who work with current and transitioning students in Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) programs to focus on the fundamental aspects of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

In addition to building an EDI vocabulary, participants will explore concepts that include identity, structural oppression, understanding bias, and interrupting microaggressions within a context that centers Basic Education for Adults programming and students. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore and share their campus and program efforts surrounding EDI and to learn more about what SBCTC is doing to advance equity and close equity gaps for all students, with a particular emphasis on students in Basic Education for Adults programs.

Time Commitment:

Canvas: October 13 - December 31, 2025


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator


Time Commitment:

Canvas:  TBD
Zoom: TBD


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator


 Time Commitment:

Canvas:  TBD
Zoom: TBD


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator

Teachers learn the fundamentals of contextualization, the fundamentals of team teaching Teachers and how to integrate standards and outcomes and how to develop lesson plans, assignments, and assessments.

This course requires full collaboration from the teaching team, so for this specific training to live up to its intended purpose, we are asking that faculty sign up and participate as a team! 

Space is available for up to 12 teaching teams. Teaching teams are committing to a five-week course with approximately 20 hours of participation and content. The course is completely asynchronous with no required synchronous components.

Time Commitment

Canvas: October 13 - November 21, 2025


Karen Lee, Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Taraji Belgacem, Shoreline College

The aim of this training is to recall and strengthen previously acquired knowledge and skills. The training, in combination with the answers to your questions, will enhance your understanding of LACES procedures and raise your awareness of recent system updates. These trainings are offered each quarter so staff can attend as needed.

This training is intended for LACES Full Access users. Please forward this invitation to BEdA administrative staff as you see appropriate.

Time Commitment

Zoom:  November 13, 2025 from 9-11:30 am


Scott Toscano, BEdA Relationship and Compliance Analyst

The Navigating Through Conference is a professional development and training opportunity specifically for Washington State Navigation and Student Support Staff who serve adult learners in our Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) programs. Activities in this annual conference may include retreat and affinity spaces, concurrent sessions, plenaries, and student panels. This conference aims to provide a platform for professional development for BEdA navigators, advisors, and other student support staff across the system to collaborate, reflect, and consider diversity, equity, and inclusion in their own practice.

Time Commitment:

In-person (Westside) TBD:  October 16-17, 2025


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator
Nicole Hopkins, BEdA Policy Associate
Chastity Pennington, BEdA Corrections Ed. Program Administrator

The purpose of the orientation is to provide the essential information that new Directors, Deans or Administrators in a federally funded Basic Education for Adults program need to be successful in their role, and to answer any and all questions you may have. The 2025 orientation will be offered in a hybrid format, with a number of Canvas modules available to provide information on topics such as:

  • System Structure, Organization and Vision
  • The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
  • Program Funding and Fiscal Management
  • Program Reporting
  • BEdA Special Programs
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Professional Development Opportunities

Time Commitment:

Canvas: September 26 - November 10, 2024
In-person in Olympia: September 26, from 9 a.m. -3 p.m.
Zoom: Directors Debrief, TBD


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator

This asynchronous course is designed for instructors who have entered the Washington Basic Studies system in the last year and provides an overview of the Washington Basic Education for Adults system and current initiatives within the system. No previous experience is needed in using the Canvas online platform.

Time Commitment:

Canvas: December 1, 2025 - January 31, 2026


Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator

Teaching the Skills That Matter (TSTM) is a national framework that supports teachers with integrating the nine skills the matter to adult students using three approaches that work best across five critical topic areas.

Members of this learning community will convene in an asynchronous Canvas course to deepen their understanding of the content, share how they are implementing changes, and gain feedback from their colleagues. Further, participants will contribute to a repository of resources that can be used in any setting, including corrections and offline learning environments.

**When signing up participants are agreeing to:

  • Zoom: October 10, 2025
  • Zoom: October 24, 2025
  • Zoom: November 7, 2025
  • Zoom: November 14, 2025
  • Commit to facilitating two lessons (TSTM made lessons or integrating TSTM framework into an existing lesson).
  • Submit lesson reflections (with guided questions) one week prior to the virtual trainings; two (2) total.


Christie Knighton, Highline Community College
Dawn Kroontje, Whatcom Community College
Kate Orellana, BEdA Program Administrator