ctcLink Accounting Manual | 20.20.30 Budget Checking
20.20.30 Budget Checking
When budgets have been uploaded and posted, transactions will be budget checked against the posted budget. Whether transactions pass or fail depends on the remaining budget available and the degree of budgetary control set up.
When a transaction fails budget check, the roles of Budget Manager and Budget Administrator are able to adjust the transaction or adjust the budget that the transaction failed against and rerun budget check.
Only the Budget Administrator role has the authority to override budget check process and allow a transaction to exceed the budget.
However, a budget must exist in Commitment Control (KK). If the ChartField does not exist in KK, the transaction cannot pass budget check or be overridden.
Budget Pre-Check is checking transactions and budget journals online or in batch without committing transactions to budgets (or posting) to the budget ledgers. This step is optional.
Budget Checking is done on source transactions, such as Purchasing, Accounts Payable, General Ledger and Travel/Expense. It checks transactions and budget journals online or in batch with committing transactions or budgets (posting) to the budget ledgers. It checks against the control budgets to ensure sufficient budget amounts exist. This is a required step to continue to the next step in a process.
Commitment Control information is accessed through either Budget Overview or Budget Reports.
Budget Overview offers a quick snapshot of budget, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance and expenditures. The reports can vary from summary level of a business unit all the way down to an individual ChartField string.
See Budget Overview for Commitment Control for the step-by-step process for reviewing the budget information.
Budget Overview offers a quick snapshot of budget, pre-encumbrance, encumbrance and expenditures. The reports can vary from summary level of a business unit all the way down to an individual ChartField string.
See Budget Overview for Commitment Control for the step-by-step process for reviewing the budget information.
To view detailed information for a specific budget, use KK Budget Details page, searching by key chart field values. This page is also available through the Budgets Overview component.
See Budget Details Inquiry for Commitment Control for the step-by-step process for reviewing the budget information.
It is possible to configure KK to send alerts to your email or to your Worklist.
Contact your college ctcLink support staff to set up this function.
Budget exceptions are not uncommon and colleges have several methods of identifying and correcting exceptions.
For a list of common budget exceptions and corrective actions to take, see Common Exceptions.
By Budget ChartField
To review and override control budget exceptions on a budget by budget basis, see Review By Budget ChartField guidance. The page includes only budgets that have transactions with exceptions.
By Transaction Source
The procedure for inquiry budget exceptions is same for each transaction sources. However, you must navigate to each module to review budget exceptions: Travel, Expense, Requisition, Purchase Order, Voucher, GL Journal or Budget Journal. For the step-by-step process see Review By Transaction Source.
General Ledger WorkCenter
To view Budget Exceptions and other notifications using GL WorkCenter, each individual’s GL WorkCenter will need to be setup/configured. For the process to review budget exception using this method see the GL WorkCenter directions.
It is possible to transfer budget amount in Commitment Control (KK) but it is limited to transfers within a single KK Business Unit/Ledger Group combination. See Budget Transfers in KK.
For a standard list of key processes see Commitment Control Checklist and Process Steps Guide.
20.20.20 Commitment Control (Budget Module - KK) << 20.20.30 >> 20.20.40 Appropriations & Allotments