What You Need to Know

Welcome high school students, and congratulations on deciding to go to college! Earning a college certificate or degree will pay off in higher-level jobs and more money over time. Plus, your knowledge will help you see and experience the world in a whole new way. 
Why wait? You can start earning tuition-free college credits right now, while you're still in high school.
Attending a community or technical college is a smart choice. Our campuses are brimming with student activities, courses are academically challenging and transfer easily, and classes are small and taught by quality instructors. You'll save thousands in tuition. See for yourself by visiting a college campus.

Top Questions

We offer a wide variety of programs to get you where you want to go, from specific career-training programs in areas like nursing, advanced manufacturing or cyber security, to transfer degrees that will land you at the junior level at a university.

Our colleges have a close community feel with many opportunities to have fun and make friends.

Classes won't be easier, but our colleges offer a lot of personal support in small class sizes.  Transfer classes meet all the same standards as university classes — that's why their credits transfer so smoothly.

Most colleges and universities, two-year and four-year alike, require students to take placement tests to find out whether they are ready for college-level classes or need some extra help. The most common are ACCUPLACER and COMPASS. But, if you get a college-ready score on your 11th grade Smarter Balanced Assessment in high school, you can skip those tests altogether.

Washington state is one of many states that use the Smarter Balanced Assessment. The assessment is given at various grade levels to track whether students are learning what they need to know to be prepared for jobs or college after they graduate from high school. If you are in 11th grade and get a college-ready score on the assessment, you can bypass the placement tests most students have to take when they enroll in college. If you're not quite there yet, ask your high school about a senior-year "Bridge to College" course.

 It's not too late! Colleges offer many ways to finish up a high school diploma.