ctcLink Accounting Manual | Capital Asset Categories Capital Asset Categories
Since Asset Categories are global in ctcLink, they are created under the WACTC Set ID. Several asset classes are required to be tracked but should not be depreciated.
ALL capital assets acquired with Certificates of Participation MUST be capitalized and may fall within one or more Asset Classes listed below.
The Community College System has invested in a broad range of capital assets that are used in system operations, which include:
ctcLink Asset Category | Asset Description | Threshold | Depreciate/Amortize? |
Buildings |
$100,000 |
Yes |
Construction in Progress |
$100,000 |
No |
Furnishings and Equipment, including
$10,000 |
Yes |
Improvements Other than Bldgs |
$100,000 |
Yes |
Infrastructure, Depreciable |
$100,000 |
Yes |
DOT Transportation Infrastructure |
Do Not Use! |
Do Not Use! |
Intangible Assts w/ Def Useful Life (Exhaustible), including:
All |
Yes |
Intangible Asst w/ Indef Usfl Life (Inexhaustible), including:
All |
No |
Land |
All |
No |
Library Resources |
All |
Yes |
Leased Assets - Cap Building |
See Note 1 |
Yes |
Leased Assets - Cap Equip |
See Note 1 |
Yes |
LS-IM | Leased Assets - Cap Improv | See Note 1 | Yes |
LS-LD | Leased Assets - Cap Land | See Note 1 | Yes |
LS-OP | Leased Assets - Operating | See Note 1 | Yes |
S-A | Small & Attractive Assets | All | No |
- OFM has established a threshold of $500,000 for the State of Washington. However, each college district should establish its own threshold based upon materiality for its independent financial statements as directed by the State Auditors. Colleges must follow the guidance provided in the State Board Policy Manual – Chapter 6. See also CLAM 30.30.
To view a current list of asset categories run the CTC_AM_CATEGORY query in FSCM. The query also indicates the following whether the asset is tangible (Y/N), depreciable (D/N) and if it is a leased (Y/N).
With appropriate permissions in ctcLink the AM Category list may also be viewed by navigating to Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Financials > Categories.
40.40.30 Capital Asset Definition << >> Capitalization Thresholds