Chapter 7: Public Information and Public Records
This chapter contains policies related to public information, public records and printing of the SBCTC and the state’s community and technical college system. Links are provided in the respective policy statements to RCWs, WACs, procedures and guidelines that are relative to that particular policy.
Policy history
Action | Description | Revision Date |
SBCTC Resolution 02-09-16 | Board approved Policy Manual | 09/19/2002 |
All written and electronically-processed records prepared by the State Board and the state’s community and technical college districts shall be available for public inspection with limited exceptions, i.e., student information/records, personnel records, surveys of personal opinions, etc. (see WAC 131-276).
Policy history
Action | Description | Revision Date |
Passage of EHB 1595 | Public records request fees | 07/23/2017 |
Passage of ESHB 1594 | Improving public records administration | 07/23/2017 |
Community and Technical Colleges are required to maintain records in keeping with the Washington Secretary of State’s Office retention schedules. In cases in which the Community and Technical College Records Retention Schedule is silent, colleges should follow the State Government General Records Retention Schedule (see Community and Technical Colleges Records Retention Schedule and State Government General Records Retention Schedule under Policy Resources below).
Policy resources
- Community and Technical Colleges Records Retention Schedule
- State Government General Records Retention Schedule
Policy history
Action | Description | Revision Date |
State Records Committee approval | State Government General Records Retention Schedule |
10/02/2024 |
State Records Committee approval | Community and Technical College Records Retention Schedule | 12/07/2022 |
Community and technical colleges are authorized to provide course and enrollment information to the residents in their respective college district boundaries (see WAC 131-32-040).
7.40.10 Non-discrimination statements
- Continuous Non-Discrimination statement: The US Department of Education requires colleges to publish continuous notices of non-discrimination on materials, including printed and electronic publications and the website.
- Annual Non-Discrimination Statement: The US Department of Education requires colleges to disseminate an annual notice of non-discrimination prior to the start of fall quarter.
(see College Website, Publication, and Event Requirements: Human rights under Policy Resources below).
Policy resources
Policy history
Action | Description | Revision Date |
Passage of ESB 5165 | Citizenship or Immigration Status Discrimination | 06/11/2020 |
Passage of SB 5123 | Veterans Discrimination | 07/22/2007 |
Passage of ESHB 2661 | Sexual Orientation Discrimination | 06/07/2006 |
The SBCTC, community and technical colleges and college districts may print publications such as catalogs, bulletins, newsletters, brochures, handbooks, posters, multimedia material and other types of published material.
- In their own printing facilities, by contracting with local printers, or through the services of the state printer.
- Using private sources when the printing and related work is more economical or efficient
than through the state printer.
- If a print job is put out for bid, the Department of Enterprise Services must be included in the bid solicitation.
DES shall print all agency materials that contain sensitive or personally identifiable information not publicly available. If it is more economically feasible to contract with a private vendor to print sensitive or personally identifiable information, the vendor shall enter into a confidentially agreement with the DES to protect the information that is provided as part of the print job (see RCW 43.19.736)
Policy history
Action | Description | Revision Date |
Passage of ESSB 5931 | Printing | 05/25/2011 |
College websites, publications, and event requirements are mandated by federal or state law. Most often these requirements pertain to public information officers or college relations and marketing staff. It is not all-inclusive and does not include college-specific requirements (e.g., those related to grants, program-specific accreditation). To ensure compliance with college-specific requirements, contact the lead for that program or service. Fulfilling each requirement item does not necessarily fall to the public information officer for compliance.
Requirements include, but not limited to, college finances, publications, human rights, accreditation and reporting (see College Website, Publications, and Events Requirements under Policy Resources below).
Policy resources
College Website, Publications, and Event Requirements: