Legislative News
From Vietnam to the Washington Legislature
Hi everyone, my name is Khanh Pham, and I am excited to be one of this year's legislative interns for the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.
Making the most of your vote
I recently turned 18, and voting has been at the top of my mind. While I have an amazing opportunity to have hands-on experience in our state’s legislature and policy process, it is not the only way to be involved.
Advocating as a college student
Last week I testified for the first time before the House Postsecondary Workforce and Education committee in support of House Bill 2309 which would establish the Washington 13 Free Guarantee. This bill would guarantee more high school graduates the means to pursue a postsecondary education at com...
Get ready for Student Lobby Day
I am excited to announce that I am working with the Washington Student Association to put together a Community and Technical College Student Lobby Day!
Taking part in democracy
Mollie Kuwahara here. I am a Tacoma Community College student and one of the SBCTC’s student legislative interns for the 2024 session. Last Friday, for the first time ever, I testified on a bill.
Ready to learn and use my voice
Hi everyone, I’m Josaphine Saccio-Devine and I am one of this legislative session’s interns. I am so excited to begin this journey with all the amazing people at the State Board!
Strengthening skills throughout the session
Being a person who learns best by seeing and doing, my time serving as a legislative intern this session has been a truly optimal environment for learning and growing both personally and professionally.
Finding the momentum to fight burnout
Some big “ends” are rapidly approaching, which means new beginnings as well. My last quarter at Columbia Basin College just began, which is exciting and terrifying because it means beginning the next part of my journey.
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