Legislative News
Session marks first cutoff, fiscal committees ramp up work
Today marks the first major milestone of the 2025 session. It's policy committee cutoff, which means bills need to be voted out of policy committees — like House Postsecondary Education and Workforce and Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development — to continue in the legislative process. ...
Senators hear Washington College Grant expansion bill, learn about financial aid support program
Community and technical colleges were well represented in Olympia this week, sharing the success of the system's financial aid outreach pilot program and supporting bills that would expand Washington College Grant eligibility and helping high school students who are chronically absent. Presidents...
Tribal elder waiver bill passes committee, prelaw associate degree requirement bill heard
The Legislature wrapped up its second week with most of its work focused on hearing bills in committees. For the community and technical college system, the Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee heard testimony Monday on a bill that would require colleges east of the Cascade...
Legislature convenes 2025 session facing $12 billion budget shortfall
With a new governor for the first time in 12 years and a $12 billion budget deficit, lawmakers returned to Olympia Monday facing big changes and difficult decisions. Outgoing Gov. Jay Inslee reflected on his time as governor in his final State of the State speech Tuesday, and incoming Gov. Bob Fe...
Operating budget, House capital budget proposals released
House and Senate budget writers released their versions of the operating budget over the weekend, holding hearings Monday. House capital budget writers also released their version of that budget early this week, following the Senate version released last week. That proposal was heard in committee...
Senate capital budget released, committees resume work with opioid education, Running Start expansion, FAFSA rollout on agendas
House and Senate committees got back to work this week as the session reached its House of Origin cutoff deadline Tuesday. That's the self-imposed date in which bills need to be passed by the chamber in which they started in order to continue in the legislative process. The Senate released it...
Financial aid, free college bills moving after first cutoff
The Legislature reached its first cutoff deadline of the 2024 session Wednesday, when bills needed to be voted out of their policy committees to continue in the legislative process. Community and technical college system-supported bills are moving, including ones on financial aid support, expandi...
Committees hear tuition-free college, financial aid support bills
House and Senate policy committees continued their work this week hearing bills with potentially big impacts on colleges and college-going students in Washington state. On dockets were bills that would make college tuition free for graduates of the state's public high schools and expanding a fina...
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