FY25 Program Funding Request (PFR) Process
Supplemental Budget Funding Process
At the request and direction of WACTC and in partnership with SBCTC leadership, the Workforce Education team has developed the following process for distributing new system resources to our colleges. This information is provided to provide an overview and introduction to this new and expedited approach. We acknowledge this new approach will generate questions and we are dedicated to providing guidance and support as we implement this new process.
A non-credit/continuing education/self-support credential, micro-pathway, or program may be eligible for this funding provided it meets the intent of the funding. The distinguishing characteristic is to fund programs that expand enrollment and system capacity, while preparing students for entry into credential-bearing high demand programs. Proposals must demonstrate a clearly articulated pathway.
Key elements of the funding approaches
- Move resources to colleges as quickly as possible
- Ease of administration, uniformity across funding streams
- Resources made available for program growth/development/modification
- SBCTC will use enrollment trend data (baseline) and related CIP codes in the review and awarding process.
- Redistribution policy will be discussed and established after year two of funding, based on outcomes and college input.
- Application webinars will be provided to support colleges in these processes.
- Cybersecurity Enrollments
- Contacts:
- Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- William Belden, Policy Associate
- Contacts:
- Nursing Education Enrollments
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- Health Care Simulation Labs
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- Base Plus Process
- Nursing Simulation Vans
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- Streamlined Competitive Process
- Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
- Contact: Carolyn McKinnon, Policy Associate
- Competitive Grant Application Process
We are excited to announce a new funding opportunity aimed at increasing capacity in nursing programs. We invite colleges to apply for funds through the link provided below. Recipient colleges are required to expand enrollments in certificate, associate, and baccalaureate-level nursing programs by spring 2025. This year's application process is similar to last year's nursing expansion funding (referred to as Nursing 200) and will be administered and monitored outside of the OGMS system. This funding opportunity presents an excellent chance to address the growing demand for skilled nursing professionals. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further information.
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- Funding Details
- Projected enrollment growth must be achieved by spring 2025.
- Funding value is set at $9,000 per FTE to provide consistency with Nursing 200 and Nursing 100 allocations.
- 130 total FTEs are available system-wide.
- Proposed FTE increases must be in addition to FTEs funded through Nursing 200 and Nursing 100 allocations.
- Priority consideration will be given to programs that did not receive Nursing 200 and/or Nursing 100 funding or who are significantly increasing enrollment targets beyond their original request.
Important Dates
Tuesday, July 23rd; 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 30th; 2:00 p.m. |
Workforce Education staff will hold office hours for those seeking additional information. Previous year's webinar is available for viewing (passcode: h0BvZw^9). All information in the webinar, other than the dates, applies to these FY25 funds. |
Friday, August 23rd by 5:00 p.m. |
Applications are due. |
- July 24, 2023 Webinar (passcode: h0BvZw^9)
- FY25 Nursing FTE Expansion Application Form
- FY25 Nursing FTE Expansion Assurances
- Cybersecurity Enrollments
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- Nursing Education Enrollments
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- The Program Funding Request (PFR) is an expedited, data informed funding request process that is administered and monitored outside of the OGMS system.
- College will provide a description of the key elements of the college’s plan to use funds.
- Colleges requesting funding to expand FY23 enrollments and/or build capacity to expand
enrollment by FY25 will use the same PFR process.
- Programs able to expand enrollments in FY23 will be prioritized in funding decisions.
- Should requests exceed available resources, allocations will be scaled proportionately according to size of request relative to amount of resource available.
- Health Care Simulation Labs
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- The Base Plus Request is an expedited funding request process this is administered and monitored outside of the OGMS system.
- College will provide a description of the key elements of the college’s plan to use funds.
- Colleges requesting funding will receive resources according to the following model,
assuming full participation. Survey colleges pre-allocation to declare interest/refuse
- Base: Ongoing funding (approximately $1.6M) is split equally among colleges.
- Plus: One-time funding (approximately $6.4 M) is prorated based on colleges self-identified need.
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- The Streamlined Competitive Process is an expedited funding request process that is administered and monitored outside of the OGMS system.
- Applicants will provide a description of the key elements of the agency’s plan to use funds.
- Contact: Carolyn McKinnon, Policy Associate
- CDL Funding will be administered as a competitive grant application in OGMS.
- Information about the CDL Fund application is now available.
Colleges are required to meet their Cyber 500 and Nursing FTE Expansion enrollment increase goals by Spring of 2025, as stipulated by the legislative proviso language. SBCTC staff will evaluate progress towards those goals and determine whether funding should be reallocated or made permanent.
If a college meets 100% of their growth target, the award will move into a permanent allocation.
If a college falls short of the 100% target, they will enter probation status for FY26 and will be funded at the same amount as previous years. However, if targets are not met during the probation year, the college will then be subject to the Redistributions Policy of FY27.
- Contact: Anna Olson, Policy Associate
- Redistribution Policy
- If a college falls short of their enrollment increase goals during probation year,
they will be subject to a reduction in FTEs. The reduction will be equal to the difference
between the target and actual FTEs met during the probation year. At any point, college
have the option to opt out of the award and return any or all awarded FTEs for redistribution.
Funding and FTEs recaptured as the result of the redistribution policy will be offered to the college system for a new round of competitive proposals.
- If a college falls short of their enrollment increase goals during probation year,
they will be subject to a reduction in FTEs. The reduction will be equal to the difference
between the target and actual FTEs met during the probation year. At any point, college
have the option to opt out of the award and return any or all awarded FTEs for redistribution.
- Coding:
- There are no additional coding requirements for UGRAD programs.
For CNED courses (applies to Cyber 500 only), colleges must use the appropriate course attribute as described in the Coding Manual:
- There are no additional coding requirements for UGRAD programs.
Attribute | Attribute Description | Short Description | Attribute Value | Value Description | Effective Date |
SCYB | Cybersecurity 500 | Cyber500 | CYBER | Cybersecurity 500 | 7/1/2022 |