Math Pathways Events
Whether your college is just getting started or well underway with math pathways, take part in professional development, hands-on training and related discussions to design, build and develop pathways.
Current Events
- Co-requisite Model Workshop, Nov. 7-8, 2018 (see Co-requisite Workshop Registration Announcement for details and registration information. The deadline is September 28, 2018.)
Past Events
Designing Math Pathways
In October 2017, facilitators from The University of Texas at Austin’s Charles A. Dana Center led an interactive workshop to support campus teams as they worked on implementing – or expanding – efforts to develop math pathways at scale at their institutions.
Participating Institutions
- Bellevue College
- Big Bend Community College
- Cascadia College
- Centralia College
- Clark College
- Central Washington University
- Columbia Basin College
- Eastern Washington University
- Everett Community College
- Grays Harbor College
- Highline College
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- North Seattle College
- Pierce College
- Skagit Valley College
- South Puget Sound Community College
- South Seattle College
- Spokane Community College
- Spokane Falls Community College
- Tacoma Community College
- Wenatchee Valley College
- Whatcom Community College
Curriculum Work in Specific DTA Math Pathways Courses
Washington’s well-established Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) sets forth transfer articulation between the state’s community and technical colleges and baccalaureate institutions. In 2013, five major college-level math pathway options that satisfy the Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning (QSR) DTA requirements were revised:
- Math in Society (liberal arts)
- Statistics
- Precalculus or higher
- Mathematics for Elementary Education
- Business Precalculus/Finite Mathematics
A major component of the MPC project's effort to address math pathways in Washington has been to work with faculty in the system--at both community and technical colleges and baccalaureate institutions--to clarify a consensus understanding of each of these entry-level college math courses (specifically the "common course number" versions offered by the community and technical colleges). This work is ongoing but completed work (as of summer 2018) is referenced below, and updates will be posted to this site as they occur.
Math in Society (Liberal Arts)
This work was completed in January 2013, prior to the MPC project, and needs to be revisited to see what, if any, updates/changes are needed.
Introduction to Statistics (Math& 146)
- Facilitator: Helen E. Burn, PhD, Highline College mathematics instructor and Curriculum Research Group director
- A faculty work group met twice in summer 2017 and has drafted a description of core topics/outcomes for Math& 146 for system review in fall 2017. Contact Helen Burn for more information.
Pathway to Calculus
In fall 2017, 50 representatives from 9 community and technical colleges and 5 of the 6 public baccalaureates in Washington met at the University of Washington to focus on the STEM-Prep pathway. The workshop was co-led by Rebecca Hartzler and Frank Savina of the Charles A. Dana Center in collaboration with the Washington MPC co-chairs, Helen Burn and Barbara Alvin. Background information on the Dana Center’s national work in this pathway can be found on the Dana Center Math Pathways website.
Pathway to Calculus Convening Agenda
DCMP Pathway to Calculus Symposium
Other Dana Center-sponsored “Pathway to Calculus” resources:
- Removing Barriers on the Pathway to Calculus, Savina Boersma
- Driving the Design of the STEM-Prep Pathway Content Paper
- Preparing Students for Calculus: Exploring Current Research
Mathematics for Elementary Education
DCMP Issue Brief: Pre-service Elementary (K-5) Teacher Education
Barbara Alvin, MPC co-chair, has been leading this effort and is currently working on a summary of issues and recommendations (to be posted here when available). The Dana Center document above provides a national perspective on work relevant to this pathway.
Business Precalculus/Finite Mathematics
TBD--see the document below for the current Major Related Program system agreement focused on business degrees