

Content on the SBCTC Educational Technology and Open Education pages is licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license

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SBCTC Educational Technology offers a suite of facilitated and unfacilitated online professional learning opportunities, free of charge, to faculty and staff affiliated with the Washington state community and technical college system. Please review the descriptions below and visit our course registration page for sign-up information.

For general course questions about session dates and registration, please contact SBCTC Educational Technology by email or by phone at 360-704-3942. 

For questions about course content or course delivery, please contact the course lead listed at the bottom of the individual course descriptions on the course registration page.

If you register for any of our training courses, please follow our Canvas Login Instructions to login.

Canvas 101: Introduction to Canvas

This three-week, asynchronous, online course is designed for faculty and staff who have never used the Canvas learning management system or who are just getting started using Canvas. To learn more, preview the lessons from Canvas 101.

Please see the course registration page for upcoming training dates.

OER 101: How to Use Open Educational Resources

This 2-week, asynchronous, online course is designed for faculty and staff who have never experienced Open Educational Resources (OER) or who are just getting started implementing OER. To learn more, preview the lessons from OER 101.

Please see the course registration page for upcoming training dates.

Accessibility Micro-courses

These unfacilitated, asynchronous, online micro-courses are designed for faculty and staff who want to learn simple and quick steps to make materials accessible for people with disabilities and better for all users. To learn more, preview the lessons from the Accessibility Micro-courses.

The Accessibility Micro-courses are continuous-enrollment, so participants may join at any time and work at their own pace to complete the training.

Please see the course registration page for sign-up information.

Open Labs

SBCTC Educational Technology offers hosted open labs for sharing and collaboration.

Course Design Lab

Join us most Fridays from 11:00 Am to Noon in Zoom for unstructured drop-in style lab time to chat about online course design, Canvas, and other Ed Tech tools and projects. Bring your online course design questions, teaching expertise, and Ed Tech tools, tips, and tricks to share. Instructional designers come chat, share, collaborate, or brainstorm with other instructional designers!

No registration required. Please visit the SBCTC eLearning calendar or the ELC Professional Development calendar for lab dates.

For more information, contact: Alissa Sells at

Badge Lab

Join us the first Wednesday of most months from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in Zoom for unstructured lab hangouts to chat, collaborate, and support one another with badging work. Bring your badging questions, ideas, projects, and resources to share.

Please visit the SBCTC eLearning calendar or the ELC Professional Development calendar for lab dates.

For more information, contact: Alissa Sells at 

On-Site Training

SBCTC Educational Technology provides periodic face-to-face training opportunities on community and technical college campuses. Please contact your campus eLearning office for details about upcoming training events.