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Basic Food, Employment, and Training information for students


The Basic Food, Employment, and Training program (BFET) provides access and services to food stamp recipients in Washington state. Services include job search and job search training, education and skills training, and support services to Basic Food recipients not participating in the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

The BFET program, offered through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), is a source of funds for state and local agencies. States administer the process through a designated BFET administrative agency. The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) is the designated agency in Washington. All 34 community and technical colleges participate in the BFET program.


Sheila Acosta
Program Administrator, BFET

Jennifer Dellinger
Policy Associate, Student Support Programs

BFET Application Guidelines and Documents

The documents on the BFET program application page provide detailed information about how program funds can be used, who can apply, the application process and deadlines.

SBCTC is an equal opportunity provider. Visit the USDA site for complete information or to file a complaint.