Bachelor's Degree Program Approval Process
Approval Process
1. Idea Stage
Prior to submission, please notify SBCTC. In the notification, include program title, implementation date, and a 1-2-page overview. The information will be posted to the Interinstitutional Committee for Academic Program Planning (ICAPP) grid.
Notification of Idea Stage - Examples
2. Degree Proposal Stage
Prepare and submit a Statement of Need to SBCTC. Upon receipt of the Statement of Need, SBCTC will:
- Schedule a discussion between the State Board and college administration
- Provide notice to both community and technical colleges and public four-year institutions of the Statement of Need
System colleges and universities have 30 calendar days to express concern or to ask questions about the Statement of Need.
Colleges must submit the Program Proposal within 12 months of SBCTC receiving the Statement of Need. If the Program Proposal is not received within 12 months, the Statement of Need is void.
- Statement of Need template (20-page limit)
- Bachelor's degree supply/demand gap rubric for colleges (Required)
- Style Guide for use with template
Statement of Need Example
Note: These time frames may be modified based upon negotiated agreements between SBCTC and the college as needed to secure a fair and deliberate process to approve degree programs.
- Program Proposal template (25-page limit)
- Minimum general education requirements for bachelor's degrees
- Applied baccalaureate external review rubric
- Style Guide for use with template
New Program Proposal Examples
- Bachelor of Applied Science in Physical Therapist Assistant, Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bellingham Technical College
3. Waiting for External Approval
The institution must await final approval by the SBCTC Board prior to program implementation. The college will work with the Policy Associate for Baccalaureate Programs to answer any questions related to this process.
Note: Send Statement of Need and New Degree Program Proposals to
Kendrick Hang
Policy Associate for Baccalaureate Programs