ctcLink Accounting Manual | Revenue Accounts Revenue Accounts
Account Type: 4000000-4999999 Revenue
- 4000000 – Revenue Budgetary
Account Classification: 4000001-4099999 Operating Revenue
- 4000001 – Operating Revenue Budgetary
4000005 - Student Tuition and Fees Budgetary
Student Tuition and Fees
Tuition - According to RCW 28B.15.020 the term ‘tuition fees’ mean the fees charged students registering at the state's colleges which consist of Operating Fees and Building Fees.
In addition, the colleges are authorized to charge services and activities fees which means fees, other than ‘tuition fees’, charged for the express purpose of funding student activities and programs (these may include student activity fees, student use fees, student building use fees, special student fees, or other similar fees charged to all students).
Additional RCWs require colleges to deposit 3.5% of tuition fees (operating and building) and services and activities fees into the institutional financial fund (860) to be used for student loans and financial aid. A maximum of an additional 3% of the operating tuition must be remitted to the State Treasurer to be deposited into the community and technical college Innovation Fund (currently used to purchase and implement ctcLink).
Operating fees, building fees and the services and activities fees combined are considered ‘tuition and fees’.
This manual will use the term ‘tuition’ to include operating, building and services and activities fees which encompass the institutional financial aid and innovation fee.
Fees – SAAM defines all student fees as “fees collected that are dedicated to the support of specific courses or activities. Examples include lab fees, fees for continuing education programs, health fees, athletic and recreation center fees, technology fees, and renewable energy fees.” See RCW 28B.15.031 “Operating Fees”.
Miscellaneous Student Fees – SAAM does not reference miscellaneous fees but colleges have historically referred to fees like “short courses, self-supporting degree credit programs and courses, marine station work, experimental station work, correspondence or extension courses, and individual instruction and student deposits or rentals, disciplinary and library fines (RCW 28B.15.031(1)) as miscellaneous fees.
We will refer to both dedicated and miscellaneous student fees as ‘fees’.
Account | Account Type | Description |
4000010 | Tuition and Fees - General | Tuition collected for residents and non-residents, part time and full time students, and staff. Legislatively established tuition covers operating, building, and student and activity fees. When setting up the accounting for tuition item types in Student Financials, this account should only be used when no other tuition revenue account is available. |
4000020 | Resident Tuition | Tuition collected for resident students only whether, part time and full time. Legislatively established tuition covers operating, building, and student and activity fees. |
4000030 | International Tuition | Tuition collected for international students (non-US residents) full time students only. Legislatively established tuition covers operating, building, and student and activity fees. |
4000040 | Non-Resident Tuition | Tuition collected for non-resident students or those who qualify for residency status as defined by RCW only, whether full time or part-time. Legislatively established tuition covers operating, building, and student and activity fees. |
4000099 | Tuition Revenue Distribution | This account should be used at year end to distribute funds when tuition fees were deposited in one department, such as Operating Fee Tuition, Services and Activities tuition, Running Start fees, during the year but spend in another department. For example, in Fund 149 we collect all operating fee tuition revenue in a single chartstring (Fund-Class-Department), but spend the funds in numerous chartstrings (F-C-D). By moving revenue and cash from the single tuition collection chartstring to the expenditure chartstring, the chartstring will open with no fund balance (as it should). |
Account | Account Type | Description |
4000050 | Dedicated Student Fees | Fees collected from students to cover the cost of specific supplies, materials or services. Examples include lab fees, fees for continuing education programs, health fees, athletic and recreation center fees, technology fees, and renewable energy fees.” |
4000060 | Miscellaneous Student Fees | Fees collected from students to cover the cost of certain services. SAAM does not reference miscellaneous fees but colleges have historically referred to fees such as “short courses, self-supporting degree credit programs and courses, marine station work, experimental station work, correspondence or extension courses, and individual instruction and student deposits or rentals, disciplinary and library fines (RCW 28B.15.031(1)) as miscellaneous fees. |
4000065 | International Contract Charges (Fees) | Fees collected from international contract students to cover the cost of self-support classes as defined by RCW 28B.15.031(1) “…short courses, self-supporting degree credit programs and courses, marine station work, experimental station work, correspondence or extension courses, and individual instruction…” |
4000070 | Student Fee Refund | This account is used to record refunds to students and should normally be a debit (reduction in revenue). |
4000080 | Self-Support Fees | Fees collected from students to cover the cost of self-support classes as defined by RCW 28B.15.031(1) “…short courses, self-supporting degree credit programs and courses, marine station work, experimental station work, correspondence or extension courses, and individual instruction…” |
4000090 | Excess Enrollment Fees | State Board policy allows colleges to re-class all tuition and fees related to student over enrollments (in excess of system allocated levels) to a student fee. |
4000099 | Tuition Revenue Distribution |
This account should be used at year end to distribute funds when tuition fees were deposited in one department, such as Operating Fee Tuition, Services and Activities tuition, Running Start fees, during the year but spend in another department. For example, in Fund 149 we collect all operating fee tuition revenue in a single chartstring (Fund-Class-Department), but spend the funds in numerous chartstrings (F-C-D). By moving revenue and cash from the single tuition collection chartstring to the expenditure chartstring, the chartstring will open with no fund balance (as it should). |
Community and technical college boards may grant waivers from the standard tuition and fees to limited classifications of students as authorized by statute. The basic waiver policy is provided in WAC 131-28-02501. Specific waivers are found in RCW 28B.15. For a comprehensive discussion of waivers please see State Board Tuition Waivers & Residency Classifications webpage.
In ctcLink student and staff tuition waivers use accounts 4000100 through 4000118 but are reported to AFRS as debit revenue.
Waivers Item Types are usually configured like this:
Debit WAxxx*LOCAL*7xxx*40001xx*846**275*98299****N****
Credit WAxxx*LOCAL*7xxx*4000199*846**275*98299****N****
Account | Account Type | Description |
4000100 | Tuition and Fee Waiver | When setting up the accounting for waiver item types in Student Financials, this account should only be used when no other waiver account is available. |
4000105 | Tuition and Fee Waiver Need Based | This account should be used with waivers item types in Student Financial when the waiver is dependent upon the student’s financial status (need). |
4000110 | Tuition and Fee Waiver Non-Need Based | When setting up the accounting for waiver item types in Student Financials, this account should be used when the waiver is not dependent on the student’s financial need. This would include for example, non-resident operating fee differential waivers and apprenticeship waivers among others. |
4000115 | Tuition and Fee Waiver Athletic | When setting up the accounting for waiver item types in Student Financials, this account should be used when the waiver is related to students involved in athletic programs. |
4000118 | Tuition and Fee Waiver Athletic Gender Equity | When setting up the accounting for waiver item types in Student Financials, this account should be used when the waiver is used to encourage students to participate to meet gender equity goals. |
4000190 | Cares Write-off Contra | CARES III (HEERF III) authorized colleges to write-off/payoff certain student balances/debt and claim the write-off amounts as lost revenue under CARES Institutional funds. This account should only be used when writing off tuition revenue as part of the CARES lost revenue provision. |
4000199 | Waiver Error |
This credit account is only used in Student Financials (SF) Waiver Item Types. Since SF Item Types normally using fund balancing to distribute the waiver to the original charge chartstrings, this account is only used when an error occurs in recording the waiver. Debit WAxxx*LOCAL*7xxx*40001xx*846**275*98299****N**** Most errors occur when a waiver is applied to a student's account but there are no eligible charges to waive. Essentially, these are similar to unapplied payments since there are no receivables to relieve, the system records the error. When eligible charges are added to the student account, the Waiver Error is reversed and the receivable relieved. College staff should regularly review any balances in this account and re-class to the correct account (and perhaps correct what caused the error account to be used). |
4010000 – Auxiliary Enterprise Sales Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4010010 | Room Board & Meals | This account should be used to record revenues received by the college for room, board, and meals associated with the operation of a state program. |
4010020 | Sales in Proprietary Funds | This account should be used to record the sale of merchandise purchased for resale. This revenue source must be used when expenses are recorded to cost of goods sold (Accounts 5030120 through 5030299). |
4010030 | Filing Fees and Legal Services | This account should be used to record fees collected for filing, recording, registering, or archiving instruments or documents that (1) have or serve a legal or official function or (2) do not include a license or permit being issued. |
4020000 – Grants and Contracts Budgetary
4020000-4020999 State Grants and Contracts
Account | Account Type | Description |
4020010 | State Government Grants and Contracts | Do not use. |
4020020 | Interagency Reimbursement-Salaries | This account should be used to record payments received by the college from another
state agency as a reimbursement of salaries and wages expended in a grant or contract.
Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020030 | Interagency Reimbursement-Benefits | This account should be used to record payments received by the college from another
state agency as a reimbursement of benefits expended in a grant or contract. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020040 | Shared Leave Reimbursement | This account should be used to record the dollar value of shared leave received by
state employees, to be used in lieu of sick leave, in conjunction with the State’s
shared leave program. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020050 | Interagency Reimbursement-Contracts | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from another
state agencies as reimbursements of professional service contracts expended in a grant
or contract. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020060 | Interagency Reimbursement-Goods/Services | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from another
state agencies as reimbursements of goods and services expended in a grant or contract.
Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020070 | Interagency Reimbursement-Travel | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from another
state agencies as reimbursements of travel costs expended in a grant or contract. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020080 | Interagency Reimbursement-Capital Outlays | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from another
state agencies as reimbursements of capital outlays expended in a grant or contract.
Do not include non-capitalized furnishings, equipment and software (accounts 5030070 through 5030090). For reimbursements of these expenditures, use account 4020060, Goods and Services. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020090 | Interagency Reimbursement-Computer Equipment | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from another
state agencies as reimbursements of capitalized computer equipment costs expended
in a grant or contract. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020100 | Interagency Reimbursement-Grants | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from another
state agencies as reimbursements of grants, benefits, and client services costs expended
in a grant or contract. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020110 | Interagency Reimbursement-Debt Service | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from another
state agencies as reimbursements of debt service costs expended in a grant or contract. Reimbursements from another community or technical colleges in our system should be recorded as account 4020120 - Intercollege Reimbursement. |
4020120 | Intercollege Reimbursement | This account should be used to record payments received by a college from the State Board or another college in our system as reimbursements of costs expended in a grant or contract. Balances in account 4020120 in your records offset payments in account 5050021 in the paying college thus eliminating transactions between colleges. |
4021000-4021999 Local Grants and Contracts
Account | Account Type | Description |
4021001 | Local Grants and Contracts Budgetary | |
4021010 | Private Grants and Contracts | This account should be used to record contributions and grants from non-federal sources received from a private organization (i.e. not received from a state agency or the
college system). If the grant originated from the federal government but was passed through a private organization, please use account 4021070 – Private Federal Pass Thru Grants. Similar to federal grants, the expenditure of these private/local contribution and grant revenues are restricted by contract or agreement. |
4021020 | Local Grants and Contracts | This account should be used to record contributions and grants from non-federal sources received from a county, city, other local government or a non-Washington State agency including local Native American tribes (i.e. - not
received from a state agency or the college system). If the grant originated from the non-federal government and was passed through a private organization, please use account 4021010 - Private Grants and Contracts. Similar to federal grants, the expenditure of these local contributions and grant revenues are restricted by contract or agreement. |
4021030 | Federal Pass Through Grants | This account should be used to record contributions and grants from federal sources passed through from a county, city or other local government including local Native
American tribes. If the grant originated from the federal government but was passed through a state agency other than another college in our system, please use account 4020020 through 4020110 – Interagency Reimbursements. If the grant originated from the federal government and was passed through another college in our system, please use account 4020120 – Intercollege Reimbursements. Similar to direct federal grants, the expenditure of these private/local contribution and grant revenues are restricted by contract or agreement. |
4021065 | International Contract | This account should be used to record payments received by the college from organizations for charges for international contract students. See State Board Policy Manual Sections 5.30.10 State-funded Classes and Enrollment and 5.30.40 International Student Enrollment Reporting as well as Chapter 4.80.30 International Contract Students for a more complete discussion of international students. |
4021067 | Running Start | This account should be used to record payments received by the college from local school districts for charges for Running Start. All other payments received from local school districts for other dual enrollment students should be coded as 4021020. |
4021070 | Private Federal Pass Thru Grants | This account should be used to record contributions and grants from federal sources received from a private organization (i.e. not received from a state agency, a local government or tribe or college system). |
4021080 | Private Reimbursable Contracts | Revenue received pursuant to reimbursable contracts with private/local organizations including non-profit organizations, counties, cities, school districts, transit authorities and other states. |
4022000-4022999 Federal Grants and Contracts
Account | Account Type | Description |
40220010 | Federal Grants and Contracts Budgetary | Revenue the college receives directly from the federal government under grant and similar agreements where the college is required to expend the revenue in accordance with federal program specifications. This also includes revenues associated with expenditures that are fully reimbursed by the federal government. |
Account | Description | Legacy |
4022010 | Institute Museum Services | 0303 |
4022020 | Inter-American Foundation | 0304 |
4022030 | National Endowment for Arts | 0305 |
4022040 | National Endowment for Humanities | 0306 |
4022050 | National Drug Control Policy | 0307 |
4022060 | Peace Corps | 0308 |
4022070 | Legal Service Corp | 0309 |
4022080 | Department of Agriculture | 0310 |
4022085 | Federal Emergency Management Agency | 0383 |
4022090 | Department of Commerce | 0311 |
4022100 | Department of Defense | 0312 |
4022110 | Central Intelligence Agency | 0313 |
4022120 | Housing Urban Development | 0314 |
4022130 | Department of Interior | 0315 |
4022140 | Department of Justice | 0316 |
4022150 | Department of Labor | 0317 |
4022160 | Department of State | 0319 |
4022170 | Department of Transportation | 0320 |
4022180 | Department of the Treasury | 0321 |
4022190 | Federal Communications Commission | 0332 |
4022200 | General Services Admin | 0339 |
4022210 | Government Printing Office | 0340 |
4022220 | National Science Foundation | 0347 |
4022230 | Federal Revenue Non-Assistance | 0355 |
4022240 | Small Business Administration | 0359 |
4022250 | Veterans Administration | 0364 |
4022260 | Environmental Protection Agency | 0366 |
4022270 | Department of Energy | 0381 |
4022280 | Department of Education | 0384 |
4022290 | Health and Human Services | 0393 |
4022300 | National and Community Service | 0394 |
4022310 | Homeland Security | 0397 |
4022320 | Agency for International Development | 0398 |
4022330 | Miscellaneous Federal Assistance | 0300 |
4022340 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | 0377 |
4110020 | Federal Pell Grant Revenue | 0384 |
This revenue is part of the Department of Education but is separated to more easily distinguish the Pell Grant from other grants. Does not include the Pell Administrative allowance which should be coded to 4022230.
4030000 Other Operating Revenue Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4030010 | Items In Suspense-Revenue | This account should be used to record amounts received by the college that are identifiable by account type, but cannot be immediately allocated to the proper fund, class, department, project or revenue account. By fiscal year-end all amounts in this account must be reclassified to the appropriate account. |
4030020 | Income From Property | This account should be used to record revenue from rentals/leases of college owned land, facilities, and equipment that do not meet the definition of a right-to-use lease agreement, are below the state’s capitalization threshold, or are short-term. |
4030030 | Fines and Forfeits | Use this account to record amounts collected as penalties for an offense or breach of contract. Examples include parking violations and library fines. |
4030040 | Sale of Property Timber | Use this account to record revenues resulting from the following activities on college-owned land: timber contract sales, including settlement of defaulted contracts and other related timber contract fees; contract harvesting and other log sales; and damaged timber sales. |
4030050 | Sale of Property – Other | This account should be used to record proceeds from the sale or disposal of property, consumable supplies, materials, and products in governmental fund type. Property includes land, buildings, equipment, salvage, intangible property (such as, right-of-ways and royalties), sand and gravel, and nursery seedlings. |
4030055 | Gain/Loss Sale Capital Asset | This account should be used to record the gain or loss on the sale or disposal of a capital asset in a proprietary fund type account. The gain or loss is calculated by subtracting the remaining book value (original cost less accumulated depreciation) from the proceeds from the sale. |
4030060 | Charges for Services | Account is used to record the amounts collected in the course of regular business for sales of services. Examples include charges for fees for processing applications, charges for equipment repair, dental services or other student shop services. |
4030070 | Indirect Cost Reimbursement | Account is used To record indirect cost reimbursement associated with grants, contracts and other agreements. |
4030075 | Grant Repayments | Amounts collected as repayments of loan principal associated with a loan made under a federal or state loan program or other budgeted loan. |
4030080 | Expenditure Recovery-Prior Biennium | Used for receipt of cash/vendor credit for the recovery of an expenditure/expense charged to a prior period. Also used to record the liquidation of over-estimated accrued expenditures/expenses from a prior period when it is expected that no further payments will be made. Generally, only credits are allowed; debits require approval of the the OFM Accounting Consultant. Refer to SAAM Subsection 90.20.45. |
4030090 | Immaterial Prior Period Adjustments | Immaterial corrections related to prior period activity. Generally, only credits are allowed; debits require the approval of the OFM Accounting Consultant. Refer to Subsection 90.20.15.e. Refer to SAAM Subsection 90.20.15.e. |
4030100 | Cash Over/Short | This account is used to record the amounts of cash over or short for a cash deposit; required to make the deposit equal the source document total. Staff should review the balance in this account regularly to determine if fraudulent activity might be occurring. |
4030110 | AR Over/Short | Amounts of cash over or short for an accounts receivable receipt, required to make the receipt equal the source document total. Staff should review the balance in this account regularly to determine if fraudulent activity might be occurring. |
4030120 | Interest Income | Use this account to record interest earned unrelated to investing activities. Examples include interest on property sales agreements, past due accounts receivable, and loan agreements. |
4030130 | Intra-Fund Transfer | When transfers occur between different operating units, classes or departments within the same fund, the preferred method is to use this account for both the transfer in (credit) and transfer out (debit) and internal cash (1000199) as the offset. In AFRS, these transactions are eliminated since they are in the same fund. This process is frequently used to close out small balances in inactive departments. |
4030140 | Interfund Operating Transfer In | Colleges should use this account for transfers of revenue to one fund/class/department
from another without a requirement for repayment (this is the negative/credit revenue).
Operating transfers in and out (revenue accounts 4030140 and 4030150) MUST net to zero at the college level. Operating transfers require the approval of the Board of Trustees or an officer of the college designated by the Board. |
4030150 | Interfund Operating Transfer Out | Colleges should use this account for transfers of revenue to one fund/class/department
from another without a requirement for repayment (this is the positive revenue). Generally, operating transfers in and out (revenue accounts 4030140 and 4030150) MUST net to zero at the college level. Operating transfers require the approval of the Board of Trustees or an officer of the college designated by the Board. |
4030160 | Other Operating Revenue | Use this account to record revenue the college receives from individuals, organizations, businesses and other governments for goods and services in conjunction with state sponsored programs without specific revenue source coding assigned to them. Examples include miscellaneous student services or photocopying. This account should only be used if no other revenue account meets the definition of the revenue. |
4030165 | Credit Card Rebates | Use this account to record revenue the college receives from their credit card company as a Rebate on amounts spent. |
4030170 | Publications and Documents | Use this account to record revenue received from the sale of paper and electronic publications and documents. Examples include college produced publications, manuals, and documents such as class materials. |
4030190 | Interagency Items in Suspense | This account can be used to record amounts received by the college from another college or agency that cannot be immediately be allocated to the proper expenditure coding. By fiscal year-end all amounts in this account must be reclassified to the appropriate account. |
4040000 Other Operating Revenue Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4040020 | COP Proceeds New | Should be used to record resources provided through the issuance of certificates of participation by the Office of the State Treasurer used to finance real estate acquisition, construction and renovation, and equipment acquisition. |
4040030 | Payment to Refund COP | Used to record amounts sent to an Escrow Agent to refund (defease) a COP issue. |
4040040 | Original Issue Discount - Refunding COP | Discount associated with the issuance of refunding COPs. Refunding COPs are sold at a discount when the stated interest rate on the COPs is less than the market rate of interest for similar securities when the COPs are sold. |
4040050 | Underwriter Discount – Refunding COPs | This account is used to record COP sale expenses associated with the issuance of refunding COPs, specifically, the underwriters discount and cost of issuance expenses. |
4040060 | Original Issue Premium – Refunding COPs | This account should be used to record the premium associated with the issuance of refunding COPs. Refunding COPs are sold at a premium when the stated interest rate on the COPs is more than the market rate of interest for similar securities when the COPs are sold. |
4040070 | Refunding COPs Proceeds - OST Held | Use to record the amount of the total par or face value of refunding COPs. |
4040080 | Expenditure Recovery-Current Biennium | Use to record receipt of cash/vendor credit for the recovery of an expenditure/expense charged to a prior period (fiscal year). Also used to record the liquidation of over-estimated accrued expenditures/expenses from a prior period when it is expected that no further payments will be made. Generally, only credits are allowed; debits require approval of the OFM Accounting Consultant. Refer to SAAM 90.20.45. |
4040090 | Capital Leases | Account is used to record Lease-to-Own Acquisitions. Resources provided through a lease-to-own agreement used to finance capital acquisitions. |
4040100 | Original Issue Discount - COPs | Discount associated with the issuance of all COPs, except refunding COPs. COPs are sold at a discount when the stated interest rate is less than the market rate of interest for similar securities when the debt is sold. |
4040110 | Original Issue Premium - COPs | Premium associated with the issuance of all COPs, except refunding COPs. COPs are sold at a premium when the stated interest rate is more than the market rate of interest for similar securities when the debt is sold. |
4040200 | Other Finance Src/Right-to-Use Lease Acquisition | Resources provided through a lease (or other) agreement used to finance the right-to-use a capital asset. In most circumstances the value of this account is equal to 5040275 - Lease Asset Acquisition at the beginning of the lease. |
Account | Account Type | Description |
4050000 | Interest on Student Loans Budgetary | |
4050010 | Interest on Student Loans | Used to record interest earned on loans to students only. |
Account Classification: 4100000-4199999 Non-Operating Revenue
- 4100000 – Non-Operating Revenue Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4100001 | Appropriations Budgetary | State Reimbursements/Operating Appropriations. The following accounts are used to record revenue reimbursements (Legacy this was known as VPA) from the State Treasurer for expenditures in state funds. Used in Fund 841/790 only. However, at the end of fiscal year, in Period 133 all revenue (with an equal amount of internal cash – 1000199) in this account is transferred to the appropriate state fund. |
Account | Account Type | Fund |
4100010 | State Reimbursement: General | Fund 001 |
4100020 | State Reimbursement: Education Legacy Trust | Fund 08A |
4100030 | State Reimbursement: Employment Training Finance | Fund 11A |
4100040 | State Reimbursement: Education Construction | Fund 253 |
4100050 | Current Treasury Cash Activity (OST) | The account was converted from Legacy GL 4310 during go-live. The presence of the GL indicated the cash from the Treasurer had been received by the college. In Legacy and during the first year-end close in ctcLink, the account is treated as revenue in state funds. |
4100065 | State Reimbursement: Invest in WA | Fund 20F |
4100060 | State Reimbursement: Pension Stabilization | Fund 489 |
4100070 | State Reimbursement: Workforce Education | Fund 24J |
4100075 | State Reimbursement: Climate Control | Fund 26O |
4100080 | State Reimbursement: Innovation | Fund 561 - Used by the State Board for reimbursement of ctcLink expenditures. |
4100090 | One WA 466 | Fund 466 - Used by the State Board for reimbursement of One Washington expenditures. |
4100099 | Revolving Funds ONLY | Used by the State Board to transfer reimbursement of Revolving Fund expenditures to the colleges. |
4110000 Federal Pell Grant Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4110020 | Federal Pell Grant | The accounts are used to revenue received from the Department of Education to fund the Pell grant. |
4110030 | Education CARES Grant | The accounts are used to revenue received from the Department of Education due to the corona virus pandemic. This includes all CARES/CARISA/HEERF funds related to the pandemic. |
4120000 Investment Income Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4120010 | Investment Income | Earnings on deposits and investments including LGIP. Investment earnings may also be coded by specific type for example dividend income (account 4120030), and capital gains and losses (account 4120050). Costs of investment activities are recorded in account 4120040. |
4120020 | Amortization | Used to record the increase or decrease of non-cash changes in the fair value of investments. Use 4120050 for fair market value adjustments to investment assets, use 5070030 to amortize discounts and premiums. |
4120030 | Dividend Income | Used to record Income to shareholders derived from a division of a company’s profits. Dividends may be in the form of cash, stock or property. |
4120040 | Cost of Investment Activity | Used to record investment fees and expenses paid to external sources such as banks and other financing institutions for investment activities and securities lending transactions. Fees include external management fees, commissions, consultant fees, legal fees and other investment management related expenses paid to external sources. This source code should have a net debit balance. |
4120050 | Gain/Loss on Investment | Used to record gains and losses resulting when the value of an investment asset, for example stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate, is more or less than its carrying cost (book value). Capital gains and losses may be realized or unrealized. |
4130000 Other Non-Operating Revenue Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4130010 | Gain/Loss on Sale of Capital Assets | This account should reflect the gain or loss on the sale or disposal of a capital asset in a proprietary type fund. The gain or loss is calculated by subtracting the remaining book value (original cost less accumulated depreciation) from the proceeds from the sale. |
4130060 | Leased Property Interest Income | This account should reflect the interest portion of revenues from right-to-use lease agreements of state owned land, facilities, and equipment from non-state entities. |
4130070 | Income from Leased Property | This account should reflect the principal portion of revenues from right-to-use lease agreements of state owned land, facilities, and equipment from non-state entities. |
4130080 | Leased Property Variable Income | This account should reflect the interest portion of revenues from right-to-use lease agreements of state owned land, facilities, and equipment from non-state entities. |
Account Classification: 4200000-4299999 Capital Revenue
- 4200000 - Capital Revenue Budgetary
4200001 Capital Appropriations Budgetary
State Reimbursements/ Capital Appropriations . The following accounts are used to record revenue reimbursements (Legacy this was known as VPA) from the State Treasurer for expenditures in state capital funds. Used in Fund 841/790 only. However, at the end of fiscal year, in Period 133 all revenue (with an equal amount of internal cash – 1000199) in this account is transferred to the appropriate state fund.
Account | Account Type | Fund |
4200010 | State Reimbursement: State Building Construction | Fund 057 |
4200020 | State Reimbursement: Community and Technical College Capital Projects | Fund 060 |
4200030 | State Reimbursement: Gardner-Evans Higher Education Construction | Fund 357 |
4200040 | State Reimbursement: Model Toxics Control Capital Project | Fund 23N |
4200050 | State Reimbursement: Climate Commitment Capital Project | Fund 26C |
4200060 | State Reimbursement: Community Assistance Capital Project | Fund 26V |
4210000 – Cash Capital Contributions Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |
4210010 | Capital Contributions | Intra-state contributions of capital assets received by a proprietary fund type account. |
4220000 Non-Cash Capital Contributions Budgetary
Account | Account Type | Description |