40.90 Payroll Accounting


While each college maintains a separate bank account for locally written checks (accounts payable), ctcLink HCM uses one bank account to produce payroll checks for all the colleges in the system. This account is managed and maintained at the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC).  Using a single bank account and making a single draw from the State Treasurer is required by the State since our system is a single agency (6990) in the state accounting and banking systems. Payroll Process Overview

The process, depicted graphically below, has these basic steps:

  1. Colleges complete payroll process through ‘Confirm.’
  2. Central Payroll runs the M-036 process.
  3. Central Payroll runs the CR-7010/CR-7020 report to determine the total state funded payroll and net pay from all funds.
  4. Central Payroll requests total state funds from the State Treasurer.
  5. Central Payroll deposits total state funds per college into the college bank account.
  6. Central Payroll withdraws total net pay for all funds from the college bank account.
  7. Colleges create payroll journals clearing net pay liabilities. Since cash was withdrawn from the college bank, deposited into Central Payroll bank and since Central Payroll now has a Net Pay Liability for college employee’s pay the colleges must record an entry: Dr Net Pay Liability/Cr Cash in Bank. Not shown below:
  8. Central Payroll issues a paycheck or ACH/Direct Deposit for college system employees.
  9. Colleges must also record the VPA (Dr Cash in Bank/Cr VPA Revenue by state fund in Fund 790-285-98499). DO NOT DRAW FUNDS FROM THE TREASURER FOR PAYROLL.

Once payroll has been scheduled and processed, and overnight job is scheduled to post ctcLink HCM data to FIN General Ledger on payroll cutoff plus one day.

Payroll processing

Payroll Processing

ctcLink payroll accounting begins with combination codes.

A chartfield combination code (i.e. Combo Code) is a shorthand value which represents a specific chartstring.

Example: Combo Code 000169611 represents:

  1. Operating Unit – 7170 (Spokane District)
  2. Account – 5000100 (Community College Classified)
  3. Fund – 001 (State General Fund)
  4. Appropriation Index - 101 (State General Fund)
  5. Class – 083 (General Support Services)
  6. Department – 35932 (Purchasing)
  7. State Purpose – N (not IT related)

Some Combo Codes have additional chartfields (see below for a list of available chartfields). Creating Combination Codes

To create new combination codes permissions are required in HCM to the Combination Code Table: “NavBar > Menu > Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > ChartField Configuration > Combination Code Table > Add a New Value”.

Combination Code Table

Combination code table

Combination Code Table Fields

 Combination code table continued Combination Codes Available Chartfields

The following fields are available in the configuration table:

Chartfields Usage
Combination Code System Generated
Description Add a useful description
Short Desc Not Required
Account Required
Department Required
Project Required for Grants and Capital Projects
Appropriation Index Required
Fund Code Required
Program Code College Option
Class Field Required
Affiliate Not Used
Operating Unit Required
Alternate Account Not Used
Budget Reference Not Required
Sub Account (Due To/From) Not Required
State Purpose (IT) Required
ChartField 3 Not Used
PC Business Unit Required for Grants and Capital Projects
Activity Required for Grants and Capital Projects
Source Type Required for Projects
Category Required for Projects
Subcategory Required for Projects Combination Code Accounting

Each employee must be assigned a valid chartstring to ensure payroll expenses are charged correctly.

When payroll information is processed and journalized into HCM the combo code numbers are replaced in accounting chartstring represented by the combo code.  However, job codes and amounts can be matched when comparing FIN and HCM payroll journals. This is especially helpful when reconciling grant-related payroll.

Be aware HCM does not have edit checks in place so an invalid chartstring will be loaded to the FIN journals.  Colleges will be required to correct the GL journals prior to posting.

This will result in differences between the HCM journals and FIN journals.

For information on working with Combo Codes see the following QRGs:

The Combo Code determines the chartstring to which payroll expenses for each employee is charged but deduction code table configurations determine the accounts. Payroll Expense Accounts

Employee salary expenses accounts are determined by employee type to allow to required reporting to the State:

Account Description
5000010 Exempt Executive
5000020 Exempt Managerial
5000030 Exempt Professional/Technical
5000040 Exempt Support Staff
5000050 Exempt Temporary
5000060 Faculty Permanent FT
5000070 Faculty Permanent PT
5000080 Faculty Temporary FT
5000090 Faculty Temporary PT
5000100 Community College Classified
5000110 Classified PT Hourly
5000115 Classified PT Hourly Temporary
5000120 Technical College Classified
5000130 Higher Education Students
5000140 Work Study Students - State
5000145 Work Study Students - Federal
5000150 Sick Leave Buyout
5000160 Terminal Leave
5000170 Overtime
5000180 Higher Education Other
5000190 Tech Coll Classified PT Hourly
5000200 Trustees
5010170 Payroll Suspense

Entire employee salary for the pay period is charged to one of these expense accounts with an offset to the Net Pay Liability account (2011015).  Each employee (EE) deduction results in the reduction of the Net Pay Liability and an increase in the specific deduction liability. Employer contributions also have distinct expense and liability accounts that increase college payroll expenses but do not impact employee pay or net pay. General Deduction Codes

The Combo Code determines the chartstring to which payroll expenses for each employee are charged.

However, the Deduction Code tables determine the liability accounts.  Each employee deduction code reduces the amount of the net pay liability.  In addition, employer deduction codes add to the total payroll expenses and liabilities. See CLAM

To find the liability account each deduction is charged to:

NavBar > Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Deductions > Deduction Table and select Plan Type and/or a Deduction Code.

Different deduction codes and liability accounts have been established for both the employee (EE) and employer (ER) portion to allow for easier reconciliation and error identification.

IMAGE deduction-table-40-90-30-2

Deduction Table

Deduction table

Employee Portion

Employee portion

Employer Portion

Employer portion Deductions Tax Treatment

The Deduction Code tables also determine the tax treatment of each benefit:

Employee Portion

Employee portion tax deduction

Employer Portion

 Employer tax deductions Company Payroll Liabilities

Each college has specific configurations set up here:

NavBar > Menu > Set Up HCM > Foundation Tables > Organization > Company > Tab: Default Settings > Link: General Ledger Accounts

Payroll liabilities setup

Payroll liabilities setup

Payroll liabilities GL accounts

Payroll liabilities GL accounts

With the ‘Distribute Expense’ box checked; the system distributes the cost of benefits according to the percentage of total earnings the employee earned in each department. If this box is not checked, all expenses are distributed to the employee's home department. Payroll Liability Account Complete List

Abbreviation legend

  • EE = Employee
  • ER = Employer
  • PP = Prepay (Faculty Only)
Account Description
2011004 Payroll/HCM Payables (Budgetary Only)
2011010 Accr Sal and Frng Ben Pybl ST (Legacy)
2011015 Payroll Net Pay Liability
2011020 WAPAY Net Pay Liability
2011025 Federal Income Taxes
2011027 State Income Tax
2011028 State Income Tax - ER
2011030 OASI - ER
2011035 OASI - EE
2011040 Medicare - ER
2011045 Medicare - EE
2011050 TwinStar CU
2011055 TwinStar CU - PP
2011060 WSECU
2011065 WSECU - PP
2011070 School Employees CU
2011075 School Employees CU - PP
2011080 PERS Plan 1 - ER
2011085 PERS Plan 1 - EE
2011090 PERS Plan 2 - ER
2011095 PERS Plan 2 - EE
2011100 PERS Plan 3 WSIB - ER
2011105 PERS Plan 3 WSIB - EE
2011110 PERS Plan 3 Self Investment - ER
2011115 PERS Plan 3 Self Investment
2011120 SBRP (TIAA-CREF) - ER
2011125 SBRP (TIAA-CREF) - EE
2011130 403(b) - Negotiated - ER
2011135 403(b) - Negotiated - EE
2011140 SRP Pre & After Tax - ER
2011145 SRP Pre & After Tax - EE
2011150 HERP Supplemental
2011155 TRS Plan 1 - ER
2011160 TRS Plan 1 - EE
2011165 TRS Plan 2 - ER
2011170 TRS Plan 2 - EE
2011175 TRS 3 WSIB - ER
2011180 TRS 3 WSIB - EE
2011185 TRS 3 Self Investment - ER
2011190 TRS 3 Self Investment - EE
2011195 Deferred Comp
2011200 Deferred Comp - PP
2011205 Other Retirement Deductions
2011210 Other Retirement Deductions - PP
2011215 Employee Ins Deduction, Short-Term
2011220 Uniform Classic
2011225 Uniform Classic - PP
2011230 Benefits Payable-Short-Term
2011235 Uniform CDHP
2011236 Uniform Select
2011240 Uniform CDHP - PP
2011241 Uniform Select - PP
2011245 UMP+PS High Value Network
2011250 UMP+PS High Value Network - PP
2011255 UMP + UW Medicine ACN
2011260 UMP + UW Medicine ACN - PP
2011265 Kaiser/Group Health Classic
2011270 Kaiser/Group Health Classic - PP
2011275 Kaiser/Group Health CDHP
2011280 Kaiser/Group Health CDHP - PP
2011285 Kaiser/Group Health Value
2011290 Kaiser/Group Health Value - PP
2011295 Kaiser/Group Health Sound Choice
2011300 Kaiser/Grp Health Sound Choice - PP
2011305 HCA Average Cost - ER
2011310 Spousal Medical Surcharge
2011315 Spousal Medical Surcharge - PP
2011320 Tobacco User Medical Surcharge
2011325 Tobacco User Medical Surcharge - PP
2011330 Uniform Dental
2011331 Davis Vision
2011332 Eye Med Vision
2011333 MetLife Vision
2011335 Willamette Dental
2011340 Delta Care Dental
2011345 FSA- Admin
2011350 Flex Spending Dependent Care
2011355 Flex Spend Dependent Care - PP
2011360 Health Savings Account
2011365 Health Savings Account - PP
2011370 VEBA - ER
2011375 VEBA - EE
2011380 VEBA - PP
2011385 Flex Spending Health - U.S.
2011390 Flex Spending Health - U.S. - PP
2011395 Medical Aid - ER
2011400 Medical Aid - EE
2011405 Industrial Insurance - ER
2011410 Medaid Preferred - ER
2011415 Medaid Preferred - EE
2011420 Medaid Volunteers
2011455 Long-Term Disability - Basic
2011460 Long-Term Disability - Optional
2011465 Long-Term Disability – Opt - PP
2011470 AFLAC
2011475 AFLAC - PP
2011480 Colonial Life Insurance
2011485 Colonial Life Insurance - PP
2011490 MetLife
2011495 MetLife - PP
2011500 Liberty Mutual
2011505 Liberty Mutual - PP
2011510 Other Life
2011515 Other Life - PP
2011520 Worker's Compensation
2011525 WEA/NEA
2011530 WEA/NEA - PP
2011535 WPEA
2011540 WPEA - PP
2011545 WFSE
2011550 WFSE - PP
2011555 WFT
2011560 WFT - PP
2011565 AFT
2011570 AFT - PP
2011575 UFCW
2011580 UFCW - PP
2011585 Other
2011590 Other - PP
2011595 Pretax Parking
2011600 Taxable Parking
2011605 Combined Fund Drive
2011610 Combined Fund Drive - PP
2011615 GET Program
2011620 GET Program - PP
2011625 Foundation
2011630 Foundation - PP
2011635 Other College Specific
2011640 Other College Specific - PP
2011645 All Garnishments
2011650 All Garnishments - PP
2011655 Due to Deceased Employee's Est
2011660 Paid Family & Medical leave - ER
2011670 Paid Family & Medical leave - EE
2011680 EE DreamAhead Investment Program
2011690 EE DreamAhead Invest Program - PP
2011705 Unemployment Tax - ER
2011710 Long Term Care Premium

State accounting rules require different expense accounts for each benefit expense type. Since this functionality was not part of the original Peoplesoft design, custom tables were created to map some earnings, deductions and tax expense accounts. GL Earnings Expense Account Mapping

The salary and wages expense accounts are established in the combination code used for each employee.

NavBar > Menu > Set Up HCM > CTC Custom > CTC GL Account Mapping.

Some colleges have elected to use different expense accounts for special pay like overtime or cellphone stipends which are configured in the GL Earning Account Mapping of the CTC GL Account Mapping page.

GL earnings account mapping

GL earnings account mapping GL Deduction Expense Account Mapping

The employer share of each deduction (discussed above), sometimes referred to as the employer contribution, is assigned the required expense account and used during journal generation to create the correct accounting entries.

IMAGE gl-deduction-account-mapping-40-90-40-2

GL deduction account mapping

GL deduction account mapping GL Tax Expense Account Mapping

The employer share of tax deductions (discussed above), sometimes referred to as the employer contribution, is assigned the required expense account and used during journal generation to create the correct accounting entries.

IMAGE gl-tax-expense-account-mapping-40-90-40-3

GL tax expense account mapping

GL tax expense account mapping Payroll Vendor Configuration

The vendor ID, amount/percentage, date, and frequency of deductions are established on the General Deduction Table.

NavBar > Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Deductions > General Deduction Table.

General deduction table

General deduction table

40.90.50 Processing Payroll Vouchers Payroll Dates

Payroll cut off dates on the 15th with a pay date of the 25th (or nearest business day) and last day of the month with a pay date of the 10th of the following month (or nearest business day).

For most payrolls, college payroll staff must complete payroll confirm 5 business days prior to the paydate and checks should be printed 4 days prior to paydate. Occasionally due to holidays the number of days may be adjusted. HCM and FIN Payroll Data

A HCM detail journal will be generated overnight after payroll is confirmed by each college with the expense/liability entries based on the combo codes and payroll configuration. The process creates the table HR Acctng Ln in HCM. The HCM table pushes summary accounting detail to FIN creating a table called the HR Acctng Ln.

The difference between the HCM HR Acctng Line and the FIN HR Acctng Line tables is the level of detail. HCM contains all the distribution details including employee names, EmplIDs, earning and deductions and so forth. The FIN table has only summary accounting data without employee information.

With appropriate access to HCM Query Viewer the following queries provide detail information for each pay period:

  1. CTC _HR_ACCTNG_LINE_PAY_PERIOD. This table lists each earning type, each deduction, employee IDs, names and accounting chartstrings.
  2. CTC_HR_ACCTG_LINE_EE_DIST provides employee IDs, names and expenses and liabilities by chartstring.

(PAY Journal). These journals must be posted “as is” before the month closes. Posting ‘PAY’ Journals

All journals created in HCM and posted in the Finance general ledger have the prefix ‘PAY’.  Payroll journals do not run through budget or combo edit checks and therefore may not post due to errors.

Therefore, prior to posting PAY journals, invalid chartstrings may need to be corrected.  Only the posting errors should be corrected since the payroll expense MUST equal the funds Central Payroll requested on the college’s behalf from the State Treasurer and drawn from the college bank account!

If the expense/liability journal is modified, then the same changes must be made to each voucher upload (Net Pay and Payroll Liabilities). This increases the likelihood of errors that will need to be fixed with journals entries. This also creates a variance between the source record (HCM Acctng Ln table) and the posted journal in FIN.

If other errors are identified that do not prevent the journal from being posted, colleges should create a second general journal to make the corrections to the payroll. Relieving Net Pay

Since the PAY journals create liability credits, and the System Payroll has either issued checks or created a direct deposit for the employee’s pay, net pay liabilities must be relieved.

This is accomplished by:

  1. Running the ‘CTC_HR_ACCTG_NET_PAY_DIST’ query in HCM.
  2. Uploading the results using the process described in the QRG 9.2  Create Voucher Using a Voucher Upload Process.
  3. Marking all vouchers for Net Pay as ‘Manually Paid’

The voucher can be reviewed here: NavBar > Menu > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Voucher Search

After completing upload/import of the Net Pay voucher the screens have these values/characteristics:

Summary Tab

  • The Voucher Source = Excel Upload (Payables)
  • Origin = PYR
  • Supplier Name = WA ST Board for Comm and Tech Colleges
Relieving net pay invoice summary

Relieving net pay invoice summary

Invoice Information Tab

  • Tax Exempt = Checked. If this box is not checked, the voucher will record an expense to Use Tax!
  • Supplier ID = V000009035
  • Location = 000
  • Address = 6
Relieving net pay invoice info, part 1

Relieving net pay invoice info

Lower portion of this tab contains all accounting distribution lines included in the Net Pay voucher (in this example the voucher contained 85 lines of summary payroll accounting lines:

Relieving net pay invoice info, part 2

Relieving net pay invoice info

Payments Tab

  • Payment Options section should contain college bank information.
  • Method = MAN (this must be manual since the central payroll process has already drawn the funds from the college bank account).
Relieving net pay invoice payment

Relieving net pay invoice payment

Voucher Attributes Tab

  • Voucher Processing is set to ‘Revalue Voucher’.
  • Workflow Approval/Approval rules is set to ‘Pre-Approved’ since approval occurred in payroll.
Relieving net pay invoice voucher

Relieving net pay invoice voucher

Error Summary Tab

  • Errors (if any) are listed here:
Relieving net pay invoice error

Relieving net pay invoice error

Summary Tab – Payment Inquiry Link

  • Selecting ‘Go’ for the Payment Inquiry will display the Vouchers For a Payment screen
Relieving net pay invoice inquiry

Relieving net pay invoice inquiry Relieving Payroll Liabilities

When payroll processing is complete, HCM pushes payroll liabilities to the Voucher Build Staging Tables. To generate vouchers in FIN, it is necessary to run the process as described in QRG 9.2 Process Payroll Vouchers.

This provides the step-by-step process for:

  1. Voucher Build Request. The Voucher Build process then builds voucher records from the staged data and writes them to the PeopleSoft Payables voucher tables. The process only accepts data for new vouchers. Vouchers that already exist in the PeopleSoft Payables voucher tables must be updated online using the Voucher component or the Voucher Maintenance component.
  2. Voucher Budget Check, Approval and Review.
  3. Voucher Payment Options. Colleges MUST be aware of which vouchers should be checked as manually paid (i.e. paid outside of ctcLink).  The vouchers marked with an asterisk (*) below are typically paid outside of ctcLink and should be marked manually paid.

Colleges MUST also be aware of which payments occur outside the system.  See guidance in this section of the QRG for step-by-step processing.

To review the list of payroll vouchers to be paid run the query in HCM: CTC_AP_EXTRACT_SUMMARY.  Typical results should look like this:

AP Extract Summary

Vendor Name Invoice Date  Sum Amount
0000045380 Metropolitan Life* H0070790 8/10/2023  4,070.09
0000048029 Oregon Department of Revenue* H0070891 8/10/2023 1,495.90
0000050798 State of California - EDD* H0070892 8/10/2023 2,375.09
0000057880 Oregon Department of Revenue* H0070893 8/10/2023 232.07
0000059055 Alabama Department of Revenue* H0070894 8/10/2023 336.29
0000059442 Missouri Department of Revenue* H0070895 8/10/2023 230.00
0000060200 Employment Security Department H0070896 8/10/2023 5,162.29
V000000012 TIAA 101308 H0070792 8/10/2023 110,953.43
V000000018 Washington State Support Registry H0070805 8/10/2023 237.00
V000000021 WA St Health Care Authority H0070795 8/10/2023 25,932.79
V000000023 Liberty Mutual Insurance H0070796 8/10/2023 422.38
V000000038 Combined Fund Drive H0070798 8/10/2023 78.50
V000000053 DRS - PERS II H0070800 8/10/2023   38,016.93
V000000055 Deferred Compensation H0070801 8/10/2023 20,062.08
0000048029 Oregon Department of Revenue* H0070809 8/10/2023 80.24
0000048029 Oregon Department of Revenue* H0070890 8/10/2023 20.33
0000059208 City of Birmingham* H0070810 8/10/2023 36.52
V000000008 HealthEquity Inc H0070791 8/10/2023 2,396.33
V000000015 DRS - PERS III SELF H0070793 8/10/2023 13,031.17
V000000020 Employment Security Department H0070794 8/10/2023 6,608.28
V000000037 Navia Benefit Solutions H0070797 8/10/2023 4,916.19
V000000043 Higher Education Retirement Plan H0070799 8/10/2023 779.07
V000000056 Dependent Care Assistance H0070802 8/10/2023 460.33
V000000058 DRS - PERS III WSIB H0070803 8/10/2023 18,895.86
V000000069 WA ST Dept of Labor and Industries H0070804 8/10/2023 5,229.73
V000000070 Chapter 13 Trustee H0070789 8/10/2023 1,330.96
V000041277 Internal Revenue Service* H0068589 7/25/2023 11,550.88
V000041277 Internal Revenue Service* H0069866 8/10/2023 255,666.50

* The vouchers marked with an asterisk (*) are typically paid outside of ctcLink and should be marked manually paid. Payroll Liabilities Payment Dates

Original vouchers should be posted without changes to allow for easier reconciliation between HCM and FIN. If changes are required two options are available:

  • Create a new voucher to modify the payment amount.
  • Create a Journal Voucher to modify the distribution lines.

Colleges should utilize Selective Payment Update to:

  • Add comments to the payment remittance
  • Change payment dates
  • Split payments

See Reconciliation of Payroll Liability Accounts presentation for additional guidance. Annuity and Retirement Plans 6% Maximum Process

As of July 1, 2011 the Legislature limited (RCW 28B.10.423(2)) community and technical college contribution from state funds to annuity and retirement income plans (e.g. SBRP(TIAA), 403b or 457b plans) to no more than 6% of salary.

When payroll is processed in HCM, the full amount of non-DRS retirement contributions will be computed (based on age or on employment agreement) and charged to the fund(s) the employee’s salary is distributed. Current state law requires any amount more than 6% of salary charged to a state fund must be moved to a local fund (149 Tuition or other local fund) after payroll processes.

The current State Board Retirement Plan (SBRP – often referred to a TIAA-CREF) has college contribution rates of 5, 7.5 or 10% based on employee age.  The rule also applies to any other annuity or retirement plans like a 403b or 457b. If a college charges employee benefit contributions for these employees to state funds (001, 08A, 24J, 057, etc.) any college matching amount exceeding 6% must be paid out of local funds (Fund 149, 148, 145, etc.).

Three queries are built for this process:


This query pulls detailed information on employees that have non-DRS retirement contributions greater than 6% of gross pay in a state fund when payroll processed. If an employee has multiple retirement plans, or if salary expenses are charged to multiple chartstrings, some values may be duplicated.  However, the values ‘Over Amount Move to CF 149’ are not duplicated and are accurate.


This query displays the journal lines and amounts needing to be moved out of state fund chart strings into local fund chart strings by Employee ID and by pay end date.

Column Title Debit Credit Debit Credit
GL Unit WAnnn WAnnn WAnnn WAnnn
Pay Period End 12/15/2024 12/15/2024 12/15/2024 12/15/2024
ID nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn
Account 1000199 5010030 5010030 1000199
Dept ID 26001 26001 26001 26001
PC Bus Unit        
Approp 101 101    
Fund 001 001 149 149
Class 018 018 018 018
Oper Unit 7nnn 7nnn 7nnn 7nnn
Sub Acct        
State Purpose N N N N
Fund Affil        
Earnings   1,713.58 1,713.58 1,713.58 1,713.58
6% Max Deduct Amt         102.81 102.81 102.81 102.81
Ded Amt Taken 171.36 171.36 171.36 171.36
Adjustment Amount 68.54 (68.54) 68.54 (68.54)

NOTE:  This query should be run in Scheduled mode.


For each pay period, the college should run this query which generates a file with all the debits and credits necessary to move the excess retirement contributions from state funds to local Fund 149 in a format used in the journal upload process.

The query will return the following results for each chartstring (the columns/rows have been transposed to fit the page).

Column Title Debit Credit Debit Credit
GL Unit WAnnn WAnnn WAnnn WAnnn
Account 1000199 5010030 5010030 1000199
Dept ID 26001 26001 26001 26001
PC Bus Unit        
Approp 101 101    
Fund 001 001 149 149
Class 018 018 018 018
Oper Unit 7nnn 7nnn 7nnn 7nnn
Sub Acct        
State Purpose N N N N
Fund Affil        
Sum Amount 68.54 (68.54) 68.54 (68.54)

NOTE:  This query should be run in Scheduled mode.

Colleges should run these queries after each pay period’s activity posts to the General Ledger. Always run and upload each pay period separately.

The Excel spreadsheet generated from the ‘QHC_PY_STATE_TIAA_JRNL_6_TMPLT’ should be uploaded as an external journal the process described in the ctcLink Reference Center.

Uploading this journal will impact the amounts in the State Reimbursement(VPA) amount since expenditures are being moved from state funds to local funds.

To keep this process simple, all excess retirements are moved from state funds to Fund 149 since expenditures allowed in state funds are also permitted in Fund 149. However, it may be necessary to move some expenditures/internal cash from Fund 149 to other funds (e.g. capital funds from Fund 057 or 060 to other local funds).

The community and technical college system is required to report staff months to the state since OFM and legislative staff use the values to estimate number of total full-time equivalent employees (FTE) in our system in state and operating funds. Staff Months Overview

A standard staff month (SMO) is equal to 174 hours (the average available work hours in a month). A staff month calculation is the percentage of time an employee works relative to the standard staff month. However, the calculations for certain types of employees is different and are described below.

Staff months are calculated in HCM using a custom process (E-192/E-193) as part of payroll processing. Staff months are calculated for each account code and earnings type combination. Staff months are not calculated for volunteer hours or when earnings do not add to total gross pay. Staff Months in the General Ledger

Staff months calculated by HCM are recorded in the ledger as a Statistical value SMO.  Statistical field SMO should be excluded when running queries or reviewing journals for monetary values. Excluding Staff Months in Expenditure Queries

Staff months calculated by HCM are recorded in the ledger as a Statistical value SMO.  Statistical field SMO should be excluded when running queries or reviewing journals for monetary values. Payroll Corrections

Payroll corrections are processed in the general ledger and include the entire chartstring for salary and benefit costs including the staff months (SMO) associated with the correction of the employee(s) payroll record.  The HCM-Payroll records for the employee or group of employees will not change once payroll has been processed.

Colleges are strongly encouraged to maintain good documentation for tracking purposes and for reconciliation between payroll records in HCM and FIN.

Payroll corrections use account codes 5000xxx (salaries) and 5010xxx (benefits) for the expense portion with internal cash to balance the transactions. The SMO should be entered on the appropriate 5000xxx line in the “STAT” field. Combo Code Error Corrections

As noted in CLAM invalid combo codes will process in HCM payroll but will error out in FIN based upon the combination edit rules (See CLAM 10.40).

When an invalid combo code is used all accounting entries (benefit expenses and liabilities) for the employee are recorded in Fund 790, Class 301, (department based on college configuration) and the employee’s salary expense account is changed to 5010170 - Payroll Suspense. Colleges should go through the following process each pay period to ensure all combo codes are valid and to correct all errors:

1 . Identify the Employees.

Each pay period run a query like this one:

Combo code identify employee

Using the current pay period end date and including Fund 790.  This will identify the employee(s) with invalid Combo Codes and provide the accounting lines that must be corrected.

2.  Identify the Invalid Combo Code.

Running this query for each Empl ID will provide the Combo Code used that caused the error:

Identify invalid combo code

3. Correct the Combo Code causing the error.

If the combo code is inactive but is a valid chartstring, it is possible to activate the code. If the charstring is not valid, either a different code will need to be assigned to the employee or a new combo code created and then assigned. Follow the steps identified in CLAM Section 40.90.10 using the Find an Existing Value to look up the Combo Code:

Combo code correct code

Combo code correct table 1

Combo code correct table 2

4.  Correct the Accounting Entries.

The query ‘QHC_PY_DEPT_PAYDETAIL’ in HCM will provide all the expenditure accounting detail necessary to create the journal entry.

Combo code correct accounting entriies

Jrnl Src Fund Class Accounts Debit Credit
PTR 790 301 Internal Cash 1000199  
790 301 Payroll Suspense   5010170  
790 301 Benefit Expenses   5010nnn  
nnn nnn Salary Expense 5000nnn    
nnn nnn Benefit Expenses 5010nnn    
nnn nnn Internal Cash   1000199  

Since the Net Pay Liability will be relieved using the Voucher Upload Process and other payroll liabilities will be relieved using the Voucher Build Process it is critical the journal only moves the expenses from the Fund 790 chartstring to the correct chartstring.  If the correct chartstring uses a state fund (001, 24J, etc) the VPA process will pick up those expenses and the college will receive reimbursement from the State Treasurer. Payroll Transfers

Intra-agency transfers are used to reclassify expenditures within the district between funds, appropriation indexes, etc. In Legacy, these transactions were commonly referred to as “T-transfers”.

The practice of transferring large monetary amounts between accounts (“T-Transfers”), primarily to cover employee compensation costs, has created transparency, accountability, and funding questions from oversite agencies.

In addition, because salary expenditure amounts are used to allocate salary increase funding, concerns about colleges “gaming” the allocation system by charging more to state funds than the college actually spends by year-end close due to transfers.

Each ‘T’ transfer will have to identify an account code to differentiate how the transferred funds are being used (classified, exempt, faculty, other (for tech colleges) and student employees).  Differentiating between account codes slightly increases the workload for community and technical colleges but it meets the needs of state legislators.

Colleges MUST enter the number of staff months as an additional data point. Colleges are expected to consistently use the Fund, Appropriation Index, Class and State Purpose.  Since Department (Org Index) and specific grant information is not sent to AFRS, colleges may use a single Department for salary and benefit transfers if they choose to do so.

Intra-agency transfers use account codes 5081010 through 5081080.  DO NOT include any SMO data on intra-agency salary transfers (5081010).  When SMO data is attached to the 5081010 account, it creates AFRS reporting errors resulting in the deletion of the data.

Do not report staff months for Fund 790 or 840 as these are prohibited by state accounting rules.

Include SMO data on only the salaries and wages expenditure line of the journal. Do not include SMO for any other accounts.

When transferring salary expenditures within ctcLink the following fields are always required or have special requirements. See legend (1-6) below.

Unit Required
Account (1)
Oper Unit Required
Fund (2)
Dept (3)
Class (4)
Approp Index Required
Project (5)
State Purpose Required
Amount $0.00
Stat SMO
Stat Amt (6)

(1)  Accounts

When transferring salary expenditures only the following five (5) accounts may be used (colleges are always welcome to reverse the original account and record the correct account):

5081012 All employees/positions which have been defined as exempt by chapter 41.06 RCW, by the Washington Personnel Resources Board and by the governing board of the institution excluding faculty, graduate assistants, students, and higher education other
5081014 All employees/positions whose primary responsibilities are teaching, research, public service, or a combination of these, including librarians and counselors designated as faculty.
5081016 All classified employees/positions under the jurisdiction of the Washington Personnel Resources Board.
5081018 All student employees other than graduate assistants or those covered by Washington Personnel Resources Board, including work-study students.
5081019 All employees/positions not subject to other classifications.

Salary Expenditure Types & Transfer Accounts

5000010 Exempt Executive 5081012
5000020 Exempt Managerial 5081012
5000030 Exempt Professional/Technical 5081012
5000040 Exempt Support Staff 5081012
5000050 Exempt Temporary 5081012
5000110 Classified PT Hourly (Non-Rep) 5081012
5000060 Faculty Permanent FT 5081014
5000070 Faculty Permanent PT 5081014
5000080 Faculty Temporary FT 5081014
5000090 Faculty Temporary PT 5081014
5000100 Community College Classified 5081016
5000120 Technical College Classified 5081016
5000130 Higher Education Students 5081018
5000140 Work Study Students 5081018
5000180 Higher Education Other 5081019
5000190 Technical College Classified PT Hrly 5081019

(2)  Fund

DO NOT record staff months for either Fund 790 or 840.  The entries will be rejected, and the college will be asked to correct the entries.

(3)  Department

Colleges may use a single department for all transfers since Department is not included in our transmittal to AFRS.

(4)  Class Code

Colleges may group transfers by Class Code (Program Index).  i.e.  011, 012, 014, 016, 018 may be transferred by any class 01x, any 061, 062 etc. may be transferred by any 06x. College data is transferred to AFRS using 010, 040, 050, etc. therefore the specific Class/PI is not significant in AFRS (for colleges it is important due to IPEDS reporting).

(5) Projects

PC Bus Unit/Project/Activity/Analysis Type are always required for project costs.

(6)  Staff Months

Every transfer of salary expenditures requires staff months as well.  Enter SMO in the ‘Stat’ field and the totally number of staff months in the ‘Stat Amt’ field.

DO NOT enter staff month in lines with asset, liability, revenue or equity accounts!

DO enter staff months in journals only with salaries and wages accounts (5000010 through 5000190 and 5081012 through 5081019)! Calculating Staff Months for Transfers

Staff month calculations in HCM vary depending on the employee type (e.g. faculty, administrative), employee payment type (e.g. salaried, hourly, contract).  For the purposes of transfers, colleges should simply prorate the staff months based on the proration of the salary transfers.  If an employee was charged 100% to a single fund and 50% of the salary costs are being transferred to another fund, 50% of the staff months should be transferred as well. Shared Leave Laws and Rules

State law allows a state employee to come to the aid of another state employee who is likely to take leave without pay or terminate his or her employment because the employee suffers from, or has a relative or household member suffering from, an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which is of an extraordinary severe nature; is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; needs the time for parental leave; or they employee is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy disability.

Certain current or former members of uniformed services may also be eligible for donated shared leave.

Donating employees must maintain at least 40 hours of annual leave and 176 hours of sick leave after donation.

Donating employees who only receive sick leave, must maintain at least 22 days of sick leave after donation. Shared Leave Use

Colleges/state agencies must track shared leave used over the state career of the recipient employee (donee). Employees may receive no more than 522 days of shared leave for their entire state employment (tracking normally an HR function).

Employees who have received shared leave must use all compensatory time, recognition leave, and personal holiday leave they have accrued before using shared leave.

Exception: Employees may retain 40 hours of vacation leave as well as 40 hours of sick leave in reserve while using shared leave. College Participation

Colleges should develop policies and procedures to establish the college’s participation in the shared leave program. For example, some colleges only allowed shared leave within the college. Shared Leave Calculations Donor Calculations

When a college employee donates shared leave, the college must calculate the full value of the hours donated, including benefits (total salary rate). Some colleges include the leave accrual benefit rate in the total salary rate.

Calculate the dollar value of donated leave using the donor’s total current total salary rate times the hours donated.

In transferring leave from the donor to the donee, it is the donor’s dollar value of the leave that transfers and purchases shared leave for the donee at the donee’s total salary rate. Recipient (Donee) Calculations

When a college employee receives shared leave, the college must calculate the full hourly cost including benefits (total salary rate) of the donee. Some colleges include the leave accrual benefit rate in the total salary rate.

In transferring leave from the donor to the donee, it is the donor’s dollar value of the leave that transfers and purchases shared leave for the donee at the donee’s total salary rate.

Calculate the dollar value of donated leave using the donor’s total current total salary rate times the hours donated.

For the donee, divide the dollar value received by the donee’s total current salary rate to determine the leave hours to record. Total Salary Rate Calculations

For an example and template for calculating and tracking leave used see the Shared Leave Workbook (add link).

Calculate Total Salary Benefit Rate

Determine most recent full monthly salary rate (all accounts 5000010 - 5000120 and 5000180 - 5000190 for donating employee).

Determine most recent monthly benefit costs (all accounts beginning 501 for donating employee):

Benefit cost calculation

1 Use of full-month benefits is necessary since health benefits are paid only once each month.

Complex alternative-text: Calculate Total Salary Benefit Rate
Fund Pct 100% 0%    
Full Month Salary $  9,172.00 0.00 9,172.00 $  52.71
Fund Month Benefit Costs1 $  2,779.73 0.00 2,779.73 $  15.98
Total Costs $11,951.73 0.00 11,951.73 $  68.69
Benefit Rate     30.3%  
Benefit Factor (Rounded)     1.30 $ 68.69
Daily Rate        $ 421.70

1 Use of full-month benefits is necessary since health benefits are paid only once each month.

Leave Benefit Rate (Optional, based on College CBA)

Not all agencies and colleges include leave benefits in the benefit rate calculation; however:

  • Determine the number of holidays, sick leave, and vacation leave days an employee could potentially earn while on shared leave and convert to hours.
  • Divide the hours determined above by the annual hours worked. The state of Washington defines an FTE as 2088 hours. College collective bargaining agreements may use different hours to define an FTE.

 Leave benefit rate

Complex alternative text: Calculate Leave Benefit Rate (Optional, based on College CBA)
ITEM Days Hours Rate
Annual Statutory Holidays 12    
Annual Vacation Leave 12    
Annual Sick Leave 14    
Total Leave Days 38    
X** Hours per Day   8 x
Total Hours   304  
Leave Pct (Leave Hrs/Annual Hrs) 304/2088*   14.6%

* Assuming 2088 hours. Adjust for CBA hours.

**X Assuming 8 hours per day. Adjust for CBA hours/day.

Total Benefit Rate (including leave)

Type Rate
Benefit Rate 30.3%
Leave Benefit Rate 14.6%
Combined Rate 45%
Combined Benefit Factor 1.45 Total Salary Rate

To determine the total salary rate for both donor and done, multiply the hourly rate times the benefit factor (choose regular benefit factor or full benefit, depending on college policy).

The total salary rate can also be calculated by dividing the total monthly cost (salary and benefits) by the standard monthly hours.

In this example, multiplying $52.71 times 1.30 results in a full salary rate of $68.69.  The same result can be achieved by dividing full monthly costs ($11,951.73) by the standard hours worked in a month (174).

Calculate Total Salary Rate

Calculate total salary rate

Complex alternative text:  Calculate Total Salary Rate
Fund Pct 100% 0%    
Salary 9,172.00 0.00 9,172.00  $   52.71
Benefit Costs 2,779.73 0.00 2,779.73  $   15.98
Total Costs 11,951.73 0.00 11,951.73  $   68.69
Benefit Rate     30.3%  
Benefit Factor     1.30 $    68.69
Daily Rate       $  421.70 Value of Donated Leave

In transferring leave from the donor to the donee, it is the donor’s dollar value of the leave that transfers and purchases shared leave at the donee’s salary rate.

Calculate the dollar value of donated leave using the donor’s total current salary rate times the hours donated.

Calculating Value of Leave Donated by Employee (Donor)



Sick Leave Hours Donated


Vacation Leave Hours Donated


Total Hours Donated


x Hourly Rate (with benefits)

$  68.69

Value of Shared Leave

$ 824.26 Donee Leave Purchased

When transferring leave from the donor to the donee, it is the donor’s dollar value of the leave that is transferred and purchases shared leave for the donee at the donee’s salary/benefit rate.

Calculating Hours of Donated Leave for Receiving Employee (Donee)
Value of Shared Leave  $   824.26
Hourly Rate (with benefits)  $     35.08
Shared Leave Hours Received 23.50  Within College as Used

The donee’s pay period salary is recorded as usual in HCM, debiting expenses and crediting liabilities. When payment is made, the liabilities are debited and cash is credited.

To reflect the use of shared, the following entry should be made for total payroll costs (salary and benefits) in the donee’s full chartstring(s):

  • Debit 1000199 Internal Cash
  • Credit 5010130 Shared Leave Received

In the donor’s chartstring the following entries should be made:

Debit 5010100          Shared Leave Donated – SL

5010110 or               Shared Leave Donated – PH

5010120 or               Shared Leave Donated – AL

Credit 1000199                           Internal Cash Within College as Received Recording Receipt of Shared Leave Funds

In the donor’s chartstring the following entries should be made for the full value of the donation:

Debit 5010100          Shared Leave Donated – SL

5010110 or               Shared Leave Donated – PH

5010120 or               Shared Leave Donated – AL

Credit 1000199                           Internal Cash

In 790-285-98439 the following entry (equal to the above entry) should be recorded:

Debit 1000199          Internal Cash

Credit 5081020         Intra Agency Transfer Benefits Recording Use of Shared Leave Funds

The donee’s pay period salary is recorded as usual in HCM, debiting expenses and crediting liabilities. When payment is made, the liabilities are debited, and cash is credited.

To reflect the use of shared, the following entry should be made for total payroll costs (salary and benefits) in the donee’s full chartstring(s):

Debit 1000199 Internal Cash

Credit 5010130 Shared Leave Received

And in 790-285-98439 the following entry (equal to the above entry) should be recorded:

Credit 5081020 Intra Agency Transfer Benefits

Debit 1000199          Internal Cash Returning Unused Shared Leave Funds within College

When not all shared leave is needed, the balance should be returned to the donor. To return the following entries should be recorded:

To reflect the use of shared leave, the following entry should be made for total payroll costs (salary and benefits) in the donee’s full chartstring(s):

Since the original receipt of shared leave funds were recorded in 790-285-98439 and dispersed to the donee’s chartsring, the following entry should be recorded to return the funds:

Credit 5081020 Intra Agency Transfer Benefits

Debit 1000199 Internal Cash Shared Leave Between Colleges/Agencies Recording Payment of Shared Leave Funds

If a college employee donates shared leave to another college or agency, the following entries should be recorded in the donor’s chartstring(s) for the full value of the donation:

Debit 5010100          Shared Leave Donated – SL

5010110 or               Shared Leave Donated – PH

5010120 or               Shared Leave Donated – AL

Credit 1000070                           Cash in Bank Recording Shared Leave As Received

The receiving college should record the following entry in 790-285-98439:

Debit 1000070          Cash in Bank

Credit 5010130         Shared Leave Received Recording Use of Shared Leave Funds

The donee’s pay period salary is recorded as usual in HCM, debiting expenses and crediting liabilities. When payment is made, the liabilities are debited, and cash is credited.

To reflect the use of shared leave, the following entry should be made for total payroll costs (salary and benefits) in the donee’s full chartstring(s):

Debit 1000199 Internal Cash

Credit 5010130 Shared Leave Received

And in 790-285-98439 the following entry (equal to the above entry) should be recorded:

Debit 5010130 Shared Leave Received

Credit 1000199         Internal Cash Returning Unused Shared Leave Funds

When not all shared leave is needed, the balance should be returned to the donor. To return the following entries should be recorded:

To reflect the use of shared leave, the following entry should be made for total payroll costs (salary and benefits) in the donee’s full chartstring(s):

Since the original receipt of shared leave funds were recorded in 790-285-98439 and dispersed to the donee’s chartsring, the following entry should be recorded to return the funds:

Debit 5010130  Shared Leave Received

Credit 1000070         Cash in Bank


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