Workforce Development Funds
The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) is committed to helping industry thrive and expand in Washington State and to continue the development of a skilled workforce. The allocated resources will support the continued alignment of education and training programs with current industry practice and employee recruitment needs.
This funding is to support one-time projects that are necessary to meet changing needs and expectations of industry and/or prospective students, or to support local workforce and economic development initiatives. Successful proposals will do one or more of the following:
- Support the transition, redesign, or adjustment of workforce education and training programs to meet the changing needs and expectations of industry (e.g., new competencies, articulation agreements, career pathways, competency-based credentials, badging/micro-credentials, new technology, etc.);
- Support the transition, redesign, or adjustment of instructional programs to meet changing needs and expectations of prospective students for how instructional programs are delivered (e.g., hybrid, remote, virtual, asynchronous);
- Create, support, or streamline local workforce and economic development initiatives; and/or
- Support and expand workforce development partnerships among employers, education and training providers, and workers.
Who may apply:
- Public community and technical colleges, as defined under RCW 28B.50.030, and Centers of Excellence (COE), as codified under RCW 28B.50.902, may apply for funding.
- Colleges may submit only one application as an individual institution or as the lead institution of a consortium.
- Applications are allowed from both a Center of Excellence (COE) and, separately, from their host college.
- Applications from a COE should be in a separate OGMS application, but submitted through
its host college.
While a COE can submit applications separately, and colleges may participate in more than one consortium, the review panel will be cautious about awarding funding for multiple projects to one institution.
Invest in Washington
Invest in Washington funding has been added to the Workforce Development Fund to meet the specifications of the Invest in Washington Account, RCW 82.85.070. Preference points will be given to projects designed to accomplish one or more of the priorities specific to manufacturing and production occupations: customized training, job skills, job readiness training, workforce professional development, and/or to assist employers with state-approved registered apprenticeship programs specifically for manufacturing and production occupations.
Enhancing Cybersecurity Education: The Operation Cyber Range Initiative, FY24 Completed Project
In line with the Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), Operation Cyber Range (OCR) has successfully improved open educational resources for Community and Technical Colleges (CTCs) in Washington State. This was achieved by adding 46 new cyber labs to Cyber Range Poulsbo (CRP). These labs provide hands-on cyber exercises accessible online, including being accessible through older-generation computers.
The initiative, facilitated by the Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (CCoE) at Whatcom Community College, leveraged Workforce Development Funds to:
- Expand capacity
- Enhance curricula
- Ensure free access to Western Washington University’s Cyber Range Poulsbo for Washington’s 34 public community and technical colleges.
Notable achievements include:
Lab Establishment
- 46 New Labs Created: 46 new labs have been established for CTC instructor use.
- Free Access for Instructors: CTC instructors now have free access to these cyber labs, which offers an alternative to expensive third-party vendors. The labs are developed by CTC instructors and other experts.
- Customizable Labs: Instructors can modify the labs to keep pace with the evolving field of cybersecurity, allowing them to adapt to new demands and changes.
- Accessibility for Students: Students can use older-generation computers to access the labs, providing a cost-effective solution for those unable to afford new equipment.
Faculty Development
- Instructor Participation: 28 instructors from 9 CTCs actively participated, fostering community and professional connections.
- Dynamic Town Hall Sessions: Initial and ongoing town hall sessions provided a platform for cybersecurity instructors to discuss curriculum needs, share expertise, and solve common challenges. These discussions have sparked enthusiasm for future collaborations and contributions to the Cyber Range.
Curriculum Development
- Cyber Range Curriculum Workshop: A workshop hosted at Highline College increased awareness of OCR and equipped instructors with curriculum development skills. Over 27 attendees participated, with 16 coming from CTCs.
Increased Enrollments
- At the grant’s onset, CRP reported 9 CTCs using or evaluating the platform, serving 1,000 students. By the end of June, this number grew to 14 CTCs serving over 1,500 students. These gains are largely attributed to the OCR initiative.
Program Administrator, Workforce Education
Carolyn McKinnon
Policy Associate, Workforce Education
Important dates
Milestones | Key Dates |
Application available | February 20, 2025 |
Application Webinar (optional) | February 26, 2025 |
Application deadline | March 27, 2025 |
Funds available | July 1, 2025 |
2025-26 Program Guidelines and Resources
- 2025-26 Workforce Development Funds Guidelines
- Assurances
- Budget and Equipment List (single applicant)
- Budget and Equipment List (consortium)
- Application Webinar Recording
- Application Webinar Slides
- Application Questions and Answers - updated March 4