Perkins Plan
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act aims to prepare students to enter the workforce with the academic and vocational skills needed to compete successfully in a knowledge- and skills-based world economy.
Perkins funds support career and technical education that prepare students both for further education and the careers of their choice. Perkins funds help ensure career and technical programs are challenging and integrate academic and technical education to meet the needs of business and industry.
- Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (amended, now Perkins V)
- Learn more about Perkins V Washington state plan
Kimberly Ingram
Program Administrator,
Workforce Education
William Belden
Policy Associate,
Workforce Education
Important dates
Milestones | Key Dates |
Application available | February 20, 2025 |
Application deadline | April 3, 2025 |
Funds available/grant start | July 1, 2025 |
Final day to submit budget revisions for FY26 | June 15, 2026 |
Projected end date of grant | June 30, 2026 |
Final day to submit invoices for FY26 | July 15, 2026 |
Final report deadline | July 31, 2026 |
Grant guidelines and program resources
Important dates
Milestones | Key Dates |
Application available | February 29, 2024 |
Application deadline | April 11, 2024 |
Funds available/grant start | July 1, 2024 |
Final day to submit budget revisions for FY25 | June 15, 2025 |
Projected end date of grant | June 30, 2025 |
Final day to submit invoices for FY25 | July 15, 2025 |
Final report deadline | July 31, 2025 |
Grant guidelines and program resources
- Perkins CLNA Conference
- August 16-17, 2023
- South Puget Sound Community College - Lacey
- CLNA Conference OneNote
- CLNA Conference OneNote (Resource and Program Guide)
- Welcome and Keynote
- Dr. Joyce Hammer and Kevin Tutt
- Recording
- Opportunity Gap Analysis (OGA)
- Advance CTE, Dr. Kevin Johnson & Suela Cela
- Presentation slides
- Opportunity Gap Analysis-Part I
- OGA Breakout Group-Part I
- Opportunity Gap Analysis-Part II
- OGA Breakout Group-Part II
- Non-Trad Recruitment
- Bellevue College, Alysa Kelsey & Eric Wolf
- South Seattle College, Veronica Wade
- Recording
- CLNA Informing Perkins Funding
- The Bruman Group, Steven Spillan
- Presentation slides
- Recording
- Centers of Excellence and CHMURA
- Ann Avary & Jamie Wells
- Recording
- Mindshift: Overcoming 5 Barriers to Create the Future of CTE
- Community Colleges of Spokane, Grace Leaf
- Presentations slides
- Recording
- Faculty Development at SBCTC
- Guava Jordan, SBCTC
- Presentation slides
- Recording
- Perkins Dashboard: Gap Analysis (March 10, 2025)
- Session included overview of the newly created Gap Analysis tabs in the Perkins Protected Dashboard. The information in these tabs is used in Opportunity Gap Analysis.
- Presenters: Travis Dulaney, Associate Director Policy Research, SBCTC
- FY26 Perkins Workforce Grants Session (February 19, 2025)
- Session included application updates, guideline revisions, and tips for successful submission.
- Presenters: Kimberly Ingram, Program Administrator; Melanie Kielich, Fiscal Grant Administrator
- Webinar Presentation Slides
- Perkins Allowability, Uniform Grants Guidance, and EDGAR Training (August 13, 2024)
- Session includes an overview of Perkins allowability, Uniform Grants Guidance (UGG), and Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)
- Presenters: The Brumand Group, Michael Brustein, Esq. and Steve Spillan, Esq.
- Webinar Presentation Slides
- Perkins Approval Process Overview (May 2, 2024)
- Session includes an overview of the approval process and timeline for Perkins grant applications.
- Presenter: Kimberly Ingram, Program Administrator, Workforce Education
- Webinar Presentation Slides
- FY25 Perkins Workforce Grants Session (February 23, 2024)
- Session covered application updates, guideline revisions, and tips for successful submission.
- Presenter: Kimberly Ingram, Program Administrator, Workforce Education
- Webinar Presentation Slides
- Perkins Data, Coding, and Award Formula (February 28, 2023)
- Session covered data coding in ctcLink, performance indicators in relation to cohort, completer, and program definitions, and how Perkins Plan award funding is calculated.
- Presenters: Carmen McKenzie, Director of Data Services; Denise Costello, Associate Director - Fiscal Management
- Webinar Presentation Slides
- Perkins Funding Formula Overview presentation
- Perkins Workforce Grants Information Session (February 22, 2023)
- Session included application updates, guideline revisions, and tips for successful submission.
- Presenters: SBCTC Perkins Program and Fiscal teams
- Webinar Presentation Slides
- Perkins Data Dashboard - start at 4:07 in the video (February 9, 2023)
- Session included navigation of the Perkins Tableau Dashboard with new updates showing data from reporting year 2020-21.
- Presenter: Travis Dulany, SBCTC Associate Director - Policy Research
- FY21 Perkins Plan Webinar
- Perkins Training: Professional Technical Certification (February 11, 2025)
- Session included training on certification and professional development plan requirements to meet success in achieving state and federal compliance.
- Presenters: William Belden, Policy Associate; Kimberly Ingram, Program Administrator
- Training slides
- Perkins Training: Advisory Committees (February 10, 2025)
- Session included an overview of state and Perkins compliance relating to advisory committees for professional-technical programs
- Presenters: William Belden, SBCTC Policy Associate; Kimberly Ingram, SBCTC Program Administrator
- Training Slides
- Perkins Monitoring and Risk Assessment (June 7, 2024)
- Session includes an overview of Perkins monitoring, risk assessment, and compliance in receiving Perkins funds.
- Presenter: Kimberly Ingram, Program Administrator, Workforce Education
- Webinar Presentation Slides
- Advisory Committee Self-Assessment
- Faculty Certification Self-Assessment
- Perkins Risk Self-Assessment
A program of study (POS) is designed to provide students with a non-duplicative sequence of progressive achievement leading to technical skill proficiency, a credential, certificate or degree, and linked through credit transfer agreements between the two institutions. Programs of study are a requirement for eligibility to receive Perkins funding under the Perkins IV legislation.
Sec 203(c)(2a)
"A program of study combines a minimum of two years of secondary education (as determined under State law) with a minimum of two years of postsecondary education in a non-duplicative, sequential course of study or an apprenticeship program of not less than two years following secondary education instruction and integrates academic and career and technical education instruction, and utilizes work-based and worksite learning experiences where appropriate and available." [Sec 203(c)(2a)]