Purpose of Funding

The State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) is committed to the development of a skilled workforce, ensuring business and industry thrive and expand across the state, and enabling every Washingtonian to obtain family-sustaining careers through credentials of workplace value. 

In response to the Governor’s and industry calls for increased attention and effort to the aerospace skills gap, community and technical colleges have ramped up training to narrow the skills gap and move well-trained workers into well-paying jobs. The intent of funding provided in this allocation program is to provide for new or expanded enrollments within eligible aerospace focused programs in the Washington Community and Technical College System. 

Resources made available through this allocation program will support high demand aerospace programs by providing Full-Time Equivalent Student (FTES) funding to successful applicants. This allocation program will provide for building capacity for eligible aerospace focused programs in high demand occupations where unmet employer demand exists for programs. Capacity building will be accomplished, in part, by ensuring that students have access to training, simulations, and equipment that advance high quality workforce programs, and lead to a valuable credential(s).  Programs awarded funding are expected to demonstrate a commitment to equity and diversity in congruence with SBCTC's strategic priorities.


Genevieve Howard
Policy Associate, Workforce Education

Karin Gitchel
Program Administrator, Workforce Education

Important Dates

Milestones Key Dates
Application available August 17, 2023
Application Webinar August 31, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
Q&A Closes September 7, 2023
Application due in OGMS September 28, 2023
Notification of Status December 2023

Grant Program Guidelines and Resources

The following document provides detailed information about how grant funds can be used, who can apply, the application process, and deadlines.

Aerospace High Demand 1,000 FTES Webinar

Proposals must be submitted through the Online Grant Management System (OGMS) to the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) in accordance with the deadlines outlined on page two. Access the 2023-24 Aerospace High Demand 1000 FTES application through OGMS. If you do not have an account, contact your organization's Security Contact for access; you will also need your Security Contact to give you permission for FY24.

SBCTC staff is available for assistance until 4:00 p.m. on September 28, 2023. Submit completed applications through OGMS no later than September 28, 2023, at 11:55 p.m.

This grant requests additional attachments (a, b, c) must be uploaded as part of the application in OGMS:

A community or technical college may apply for funding for credit bearing programs that are aerospace or aerospace related, as defined by Eligible Programs listed below.

  • Community & technical colleges may submit a maximum of two proposals per institution: one program per proposal.
  • Colleges who received funding for programs through the initial 1000 FTES awards, and were subject to take back, are eligible to apply for re-distribution funds.
  • Colleges who received funding through the initial 1000 FTES process and would like to expand programs that met the target are eligible to apply for additional growth. Please note that additional growth must be supported in the program proposal.

Priority consideration will not be given to any college based on past performance but rather the priority consideration will be based on the aerospace and aerospace related programs the funding is intended to grow.

Per the recommendations from the Aerospace and Advanced Materials Manufacturing Pipeline Advisory Committee, the programs to be considered for proposal must fall within the following categories and relate to aerospace and aerospace-related needs in Washington State.

Eligible programs listed below:

  • Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians
  • Avionics
  • Electrical Assemblers
  • Electronics/Automation
  • Information Security Analysts
  • Machining
  • Maintenance Mechanic/Industrial Technicians
  • Manufacturing Engineering and Planning
  • Pilot Training
  • Robotics/Pneumatics
  • Sheet Metal/Welding
  • Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers
  • Tooling
  • Unmanned Aerial Systems

The program for which funding is requested must meet the following requirements before receiving an allocation:

  1. Have existing program approval on file with SBCTC[1].
    1. Registered Apprenticeship programs must have submitted an Apprenticeship Registration Form. https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/apprenticeship/apprenticeship-fees-registration
  2. Be registered with the State Board office (only applies for program of less than 20 credits)

Questions regarding program approval can be emailed to programapproval@sbctc.edu, or refer to the Professional-Technical Program Approval Process Guidelines.


[1] BAS degrees are included in eligible programs.