Information Technology Commission (ITC) Constitution and Bylaws
The Washington State Community and Technical Colleges Information Technology Commission (ITC) is established to enhance the use of information technology within the community and technical colleges of the State. The Information Technology Commission is directly responsible to the Washington Association of Community and Technical College Presidents (WACTC).
The purposes of the Commission shall be:
- To provide leadership to the system of community and technical colleges in the State of Washington regarding research, development and operation of information technology.
- To advise and make recommendations to the SBCTC on topics relating to information technology.
- To provide support and assistance in the strategic direction and implementation of
information technology in collaboration with all Washington state community and technical
colleges, commissions, and councils. Examples of information technology topics include
the following, but not limited to:
- Best practices, methodologies, shared development and collaboration for information technology implementation.
- Resources and standards for information technology, including institutional, telecommunications, and eLearning, electronic classrooms, laboratories (including multimedia applications), and conference room configurations.
- Methods and tools for internal and external communication.
- Learning resources models and tools (library, media resources).
- Assessment of new technology to assist colleges in improving efficiency, quality and accountability.
- To provide a forum for the mutual exchange of ideas, and to help the community and technical colleges act as a system to increase the effectiveness of information technology management.
- To develop and recommend information technology policies and projects established by a consensus of the membership, by the SBCTC, or by the result of legislative action.
- To research, evaluate and forward project proposals received from its members, councils, other commissions, or SBCTC.
- To serve as an effective statewide communication medium for information technology matters.
- To work with appropriate commissions, agencies and organizations to develop and promote an understanding of information technology services and management.
- To assist the SBCTC with the development of technical and feasibility reviews and cost-benefit analysis of proposals, and collaborate in purchasing and procurement processes.
- To provide opportunities for professional development and the mutual exchange of information and best practices to increase the effective use and management of information technology resources and skills.
- To nominate representatives to other commissions and groups as needed.
Section 1. Membership and Responsibilities
- Voting members
Voting members shall be one (1) Chief Information Officer, or designee selected by their college leadership, from each community and technical college and each public college in a multi-college district in the State of Washington.- Voting Member Responsibilities
- Represent your campus by participating in ITC meetings
- Represent ITC by reporting information back to your campus
- Participate in ITC Committees and Councils as assigned
- Voting Member Responsibilities
- Ex officio members
Ex officio (non-voting) members shall be the Chief Information Officer (Executive Director) from the SBCTC. - Visiting Ex officio members (liaisons)
Visiting Ex officio (non-voting) members shall be the representatives from any WACTC Commissions who will be invited to attend ITC meetings with agenda items relating to their areas of interest.
Section 2. Officers and Responsibilities
- Officers of the Commission shall be the Chair and Chair-Elect, who shall serve a term of one year.
- Responsibilities
- Chair
- Shall convene and preside over Commission and Executive Committee meetings.
- Shall establish committees and taskforces as needed.
- Shall identify committee and taskforce members as appropriate.
- Shall select members to serve as liaisons to other WACTC Commissions and state taskforces.
- Shall prepare the agenda for all meetings. Members may submit agenda items to the Chair prior to the next meeting. The Chair shall distribute the agenda to members not less than seven (7) days prior to the next meeting.
- Shall serve or appoint a designee to serve as the ITC representative to the WACTC Technology Committee.
- Chair-Elect
- Shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair in the absence of that officer, and assume the office of the Chair the following year.
- Shall moderate the teleconference session at each ITC meeting.
- Shall maintain financial records and report at regular meetings, and provide payment of all authorized Commission expenses as approved by the Chair.
- Shall direct the effort of the Work Plan and edit the annual report for the Commission.
- Communication Officer
- Shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair-Elect in the absence of that officer, and assume the office of the Chair-Elect the following year.
- Shall take the Commission meeting minutes.
- Shall distribute the minutes and related information not less than seven (7) days prior to the next meeting.
- Shall be responsible for the records and correspondence of the Commission.
- Shall be responsible for the ITC-C and ITC listservs and the ITC website content, document management and posting, and any other document storage and/or sharing technologies.
- Chair
Section 1. Schedule
- Regular Meetings: There shall be a minimum of three (3) Commission meetings each academic year.
- Special Meetings: Other special meetings may be held at the discretion of the Chair.
Section 2. Rules of Order
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority on questions of parliamentary rule.
Section 3. Voting
- Each voting member shall have one vote.
- Voting items brought before the commission during regular business meetings must be made in person at the meeting site or through the online teleconference session.
- When special meetings or voting is initiated electronically, votes may be cast electronically.
- In the event that a voting member is absent for a vote, a proxy vote will be allowed to substitute provided that the voting member has notified the Chair prior to the vote.
Section 4. Quorum
A voting quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members.
Section 5. Elections
- Elections for the Communication Officer position will be held during the last meeting of the ITC in the fiscal year.
- The Chair shall form a Nominating Committee prior to the election to recruit candidates from the ITC membership for the Communication Officer.
- Additional Nominations will be accepted prior to the election and from the floor during that meeting.
- The Chair may call for an election as part of the process to fill a vacant position – Commission Officer, Committee Chair, Liaison, or Representative.
- All Election results will be by a simple majority of the voting members in attendance in person or online.
Section 6. Reports
Committees and liaisons shall report at each regular meeting.
Section 1. Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Commission (Chair, Chair-Elect and Communications Officer), and ITC Committee Chairs. The Past Chair of the ITC will be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.
- Decisions of the Executive Committee are subject to review and reversal by a majority vote of the ITC.
Section 2. Committees
- The Chair Elect shall establish ITC Committees at the beginning of each year to develop goals and components of the annual ITC Work Plan.
- Committees shall complete tasks and report on progress related to the Work Plan throughout the year.
- The Chair shall appoint Committee Chairs at the beginning of each year. Each ITC member will be selected by the Chair to serve on one committee throughout the year.
Section 3. Ad-Hoc Committees and Taskforces
- The Chair shall have the authority to appoint other committees and taskforces as needed.
- Members of such committees and taskforces will generally also include persons that are not Commission members.
- The ITC may create and dissolve Councils subordinate to ITC per the WACTC Constitution.
- The formation or dissolution of a Council requires a majority vote at a regular ITC business meeting.
- Councils shall maintain separate Constitutions and Bylaws.
- The ITC shall exchange liaisons with its Councils to provide regular reports.
- Councils shall provide Annual Work Plans to the ITC which shall be incorporated into the ITC Work Plan.
- Council decisions shall require a majority vote at a regular ITC business meeting to be approved and scheduled for implementation.
- Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members in attendance, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
- Amendments must be thereafter approved by WACTC.
Description | Revision Date |
Revised | 6/2015 |
Revised | 9/2013 |
Revised | 2/2009 |
Revised | 2/2007 |
Revised | 8/9/2002 |
Revised | 12/10/1997 |