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Membership Rosters

Committee Membership List Last Updated
Data Governance Committee 01/15/2025
Demographic Subcommittee (DGCDemoCom) 05/20/2022
Meta-Major Subcommittee 05/06/2024

Data Governance Committee


Each Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges (WACTC) commission identifies two members — representing one vote— to serve on the Data Governance Committee, allowing for cross-functional decision-making. Each commission may sponsor a Data Domain Stewards committee to serve as subject matter experts.

Demographic Subcommittee (DGCDemoCom)


The Data Governance Demographic Sub-Committee seeks to advance equity and cultivate a culture of belonging among students and employees through reflective practice and responsive attention to the use of inclusive language within data collection and dissemination of demographic information.

While this committee is committed to equity, it recognizes that we are bound by required state and federal reporting guidelines that do not allow flexibility. With equity and inclusion as our priority, the Demographic Subcommittee commits to navigating required reporting requirements and aligning our data practices related to demographic information with key stakeholder groups.

The committee is comprised of a broad group of college staff representing diverse perspectives and areas of expertise from across the community and technical college system. While standing meetings will be used to provide regular data review, the committee is also poised to respond to the emergent needs of the CTC system.

The State Board Data Governance Committee co-chair will serve as a liaison between the two committees. Any requests made of the Data Governance Committee concerning demographic related data elements should be assigned to the Demographic Subcommittee.

The committee will discuss, analyze, solicit feedback when appropriate, and will draft a proposal that is then provided to the Data Governance Committee as a recommendation. The Data Governance Committee will solicit additional feedback from the commission and councils when applicable and will vote for approval.

The following are examples of data categories that fall under the purview of this sub-committee.

  • Adding additional Race/ethnicity categories.
  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI).
  • Reporting of Sex for required state and federal reporting.
  • First Generation Status.
  • Nationality/citizenship/immigration status.
  • Employment Status.
  • Family Status.
  • Disability Status.
  • Veteran Status.
  • Language(s) spoken at home.
  • Personal identifiers, i.e. names and pronouns.