Admissions and Registration Council (ARC) resources and documents for ARC and other commission members.

  • Student Services Resources
    This is where you will find the most current copies of the State Support of Higher Education Students Letter, General Retention Memo for Registration  and Enrollment Forms, and the HHS Poverty Guidelines, as well as State Board reports presented at commission and council meetings.
  • Tuition and Fee Information
  • Tuition Waiver Information
  • Data Coding Information
  • SBCTC-IT, the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges - IT Support provides information technology services to the Washington state community and technical colleges.

  • AACRAO, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers is a nonprofit, voluntary, professional association of more than 9,300 higher education administrators who represent more than 2,400 institutions and agencies in the United States and in thirty-nine other countries. AACRAO provides leadership in policy initiation, interpretation and implementation in the global educational community by identifying and promoting standards and best practices in enrollment management, information technology, instructional management and student services.
  • PACRAO is the Pacific regional member of AACRAO, with more than 1,500 members representing about 400 institutions. PACRAO members include Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington, the territory of Guam and provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.
  • College Source is a service of Career Guidance Foundation. This is a good site to search for a college or university by name.
  • WaACRAO is the Washington Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers - Serving Washington's higher education community.