Basic Education for Adults Outcomes (BEdA)

The Basic Education for Adults Outcomes dashboard was designed to help track the progress and outcomes of Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) students in transitioning to college level programs.  The outcomes in this dashboard are designed for research purposes only and should not be confused with similar outcome measures used for federal reporting, performance funding, or other official reporting purposes.  The dashboard includes precollege progress, college level progress, and college program completion outcomes for BEdA students in their first three school years after enrolling.

April 15, 2021: The Basic Education for Adults Outcomes dashboard is temporarily offline for maintenance and error checking. At this time we do not have an estimated timeline for republishing. If you have a data need within this area, please reach out to Travis Dulany at the contact information below.   

For an alternative version of this information, please contact Travis Dulany.


Travis Dulany
Policy Research Associate