Legislative News
Operating budget, House capital budget proposals released
February 23, 2024 | By SBCTC Communications
House and Senate budget writers released their versions of the operating budget over the weekend, holding hearings Monday. House capital budget writers also released their version of that budget early this week, following the Senate version released last week. That proposal was heard in committee...
Dual credit, basic needs bills on the docket ahead of today's fiscal committee cutoff
February 24, 2023 | By SBCTC Communications
House and Senate fiscal committee hearings were long this week but testimony was short as committee members worked to hear and vote on bills ahead of today's fiscal committee cutoff deadline. Following the Feb. 17 policy committee cutoff, the budget-related committees had just this week to comple...
About Legislative News
Legislative News is published weekly during the legislative session by the staff of
the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges to highlight issues
impacting the two-year college system.
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