Legislative News
Legislature passes operating, capital budgets, adjourns 2024 session
The Legislature adjourned sine die Thursday afternoon after passing the 2024 supplemental operating budget earlier in the day and the supplemental capital budget on Wednesday. This week also saw final passage of the bill that extends eligibility for the Washington College Grant, College Bound Sch...
Operating budget, House capital budget proposals released
House and Senate budget writers released their versions of the operating budget over the weekend, holding hearings Monday. House capital budget writers also released their version of that budget early this week, following the Senate version released last week. That proposal was heard in committee...
Legislature kicks off 2024 session with budgets, corrections education, K-12 student support bills
The Legislature on Monday kicked off its 2024 session Monday, picking up where it left off at the end of its 2023 session in April. The short 60-day convening means fast-paced work to pass supplemental operating and capital budgets and any policy bills.
Legislature adjourns after passing operating, capital budgets
The Legislature adjourned sine die Sunday just after 10 p.m., passing the capital budget on Saturday and the operating budget on Sunday. The Senate also spent time Saturday and Sunday voting to confirm trustees to college boards of trustees and to the State Board.
With session's end in two days, Legislature awaits budget deals
With sine die just two days away, House and Senate budget writers are expected to release the negotiated capital budget today and the operating budget tomorrow. Look next week for a special edition of Legislative News to see how the budgets will impact community and technical colleges.
House budget proposals released
House budget writers on Monday released their versions of the operating and capital budgets. The House Appropriations Committee heard testimony on the operating budget proposal on Monday, and the House Capital Budget Committee took up that budget on Tuesday.
Session convenes for first time in person since 2020
Legislators gathered in Olympia Monday for the first time in two years to kick off the 2023 legislative session. It was nearly pre-COVID business as usual, but some pandemic-related changes — like allowing members to vote remotely and remote testimony during committee hearings — will remain in pl...
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