Legislative News
Last cutoff passes, session heads into final full week
With just over a week to go in the 2023 legislative session, the House and Senate on Wednesday reached their last major cutoff deadline, when bills coming from the opposite chamber needed to receive a vote. Community and technical college system-supported bills on dual credit, College Bound Schol...
College system-supported bills moving as session passes last committee cutoff
Tuesday marked the last committee cutoff of the 2023 legislative session when bills with a fiscal impact needed to be voted out of those committees in order to continue in the legislative process. For the community and technical college system, bills on Running Start, nursing education, data shar...
Committees back at work, Running Start, data sharing agreements, student support bills up for hearings
In their first full week of hearings after last week's floor cutoff deadline, committees were back at work hearing bills on creating data sharing agreements, expanding Running Start to the summer, and making permanent the Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness program.
Hearings resume as session passes major cutoff deadline
The House and Senate passed a critical deadline Wednesday as bills — unless necessary for the budget — originating in their chamber had to be voted out to continue in the legislative process. Moving this week were bills on student basic needs, dual credit, data sharing, nursing and corrections ed...
Dual credit, basic needs bills on the docket ahead of today's fiscal committee cutoff
House and Senate fiscal committee hearings were long this week but testimony was short as committee members worked to hear and vote on bills ahead of today's fiscal committee cutoff deadline. Following the Feb. 17 policy committee cutoff, the budget-related committees had just this week to comple...
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