Legislative News
State Board-requested bills heard in House higher education committee
House and Senate policy committees spent their first full week after the House of Origin cutoff with a mix of hearing testimony on bills and learning more about issues facing higher education in the state. The House Postsecondary Education and Workforce Committee heard all of the State Board's-re...
Education doesn’t expire
Education isn’t just about degrees or career advancement but about learning life lessons, passing down knowledge, and strengthening communities. That’s why Senate Bill 5110 is so important. It’s a step toward recognizing the wisdom and contributions of Tribal elders. Guaranteeing they even have t...
Customized Training Program tax extension bill passes Senate, policy committees resume work
Session reached its third cutoff deadline Wednesday at 5 p.m. when bills need to be passed by their originating chamber in order to continue in the legislative process. Ahead of that, the Senate on Tuesday passed the bill that would extend the Customized Training Program's business and occupation...
Breakfast with Sen. Hansen
Friday morning, two weeks ago, I was at the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges (WACTC) presidents’ meeting, balancing a plate of breakfast food, when I noticed an open seat next to Sen. Drew Hansen.
Higher education in uncertain times
Higher education is going through a lot of changes right now, and for students like me, it’s hard not to feel the impact. Costs are rising, financial aid policies are shifting, and access to education feels more uncertain.
State Board-requested high school diploma tuition waiver bills pass House and Senate
Members of the House and Senate spent the week on the floor debating and voting on bills to pass to the opposite chamber for its consideration. Both versions of State Board-requested legislation to remove the age limit for a tuition waiver for students pursuing a high school diploma at a communit...
The power of a proper introduction
As I continue my journey as a legislative intern for the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, I've come to appreciate something that might seem small but has proven incredibly valuable: the art of introduction.
Tribal elder waiver bill unanimously passes Senate, session reaches fiscal committee cutoff
Session reaches its second cutoff deadline today when bills with a fiscal impact must be out of those committees to continue in the legislative process. For the community and technical college system this week, the bill extending the business and occupation tax credit for the Customized Training ...
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