Legislative News
Dual credit, basic needs bills on the docket ahead of today's fiscal committee cutoff
House and Senate fiscal committee hearings were long this week but testimony was short as committee members worked to hear and vote on bills ahead of today's fiscal committee cutoff deadline. Following the Feb. 17 policy committee cutoff, the budget-related committees had just this week to comple...
Session reaches first cutoff, committees hear nursing bachelor's degree, credential transparency bills
The Legislature reaches its first cutoff deadline today. Bills, unless needed to implement a budget, must be voted out of House and Senate policy committees in order to continue in the 2023 legislative process.
Recharge your batteries
During the last few weeks, I have had to remind myself of the importance of taking time for myself. When I am working hard on a project or have committed myself to something, I tend to be like a dog with a bone. Until that bone is completely gone, I tend to work tirelessly without even rememberin...
History has its eyes on you
I write this blog post as I am returning from Washington, D.C., to Everett, Wash., with immense hope for the future of my community. I was granted the opportunity to attend the National Legislative Summit in Washington D.C. This summit is a chance for community and technical college representativ...
Week before cutoff, committees hear bills on data sharing, student support
House and Senate committees continued their work this week, hearing bills on creating a data-sharing agreement with The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, adding a stipend for students using the Washington College Grant to purchase textbooks and other class materials, expanding t...
Committees hear bills addressing student basic needs, nursing education
Hearings continued through the fourth week of session, with committees taking up bills addressing student basic needs and nursing education. The House Appropriations Committee heard the fiscal impacts of the bill that would expand eligibility of the Washington College Grant, and the House Postsec...
Connecting passion to policy
For many students in our community and technical college system, insecurity around basic needs is a part of everyday life. The already difficult place these students were in was made worse by the pandemic.
Dual credit, financial support, Career Connect bills heard as session ends third week
Legislators this week continued committee hearings, taking up bills on Career Connect Washington, dual credit, the College Bound Scholarship, campus decarbonization plans, corrections education and creating a Native American scholarship program. The House Postsecondary Education and Workforce Com...
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