Legislative News 2025
Legislative News 2025
State Board-requested high school diploma tuition waiver bills pass House and Senate
Members of the House and Senate spent the week on the floor debating and voting on bills to pass to the opposite chamber for its consideration. Both versions of State Board-requested legislation to remove the age limit for a tuition waiver for students pursuing a high school diploma at a communit...
Higher education in uncertain times
Higher education is going through a lot of changes right now, and for students like me, it’s hard not to feel the impact. Costs are rising, financial aid policies are shifting, and access to education feels more uncertain.
ctcLink Learning Opportunities & Support Roundup: March 5, 2025
Get caught up on ctcLink system happenings, including training, work sessions, process alignment activities, server maintenance downtimes, Cross-Pillar (CS/HCM/SF) End-to-End Class Building Workshops, and changes to the Online Admissions Application Portal (OAAP).