Trustee Committees
Standing Committee Representatives
Eight committees administer functions and responsibilities of the Washington State Association of College Trustees (ACT).
Committee Purpose
Audit the ACT financial records after the close of the fiscal year.
Committee Members
- Heather Moss, Bates Technical College
- Rich Fukutaki, Bellevue College
- Judy Hartmann, South Puget Sound Community College
Committee Purpose
- Oversee the selection of individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of community and technical colleges to honor during the Spring Conference.
Committee Members
- Rich Fukutaki, Bellevue College, Chair
- Annalee Tobey, Centralia College
- Paula Akerlund, Grays Harbor College
- Alice Dietz, Lower Columbia College
- Harriet Bryant, Olympic College
- Louise Chernin, Seattle Colleges
- Anna Franklin, Spokane Colleges
- Sara Cate, Yakima Valley College
Committee Purpose
Prepares and presents budget and dues recommendation for approval at the annual business meeting.
Committee Members
- Rebecca Chan, Shoreline Community College, Treasurer Chair
- Rich Fukutaki, Bellevue College
- Tom George, Bates Technical College
- Ofelia Rivas de Bredt, Columbia Basin College
- Bogi Kim, Lower Columbia College
Committee Purpose
The Legislative Action Committee (LAC) representatives serve as their college board of trustees' first point-of-contact for all ACT legislative advocacy and communications.
The members of this committee help inform ACT’s Board of Directors, as well as their own individual board of trustees, regarding to statewide policy, budget and advocacy issues.
Committee Representatives and College Chairs roster.
- Bertha Ortega, Yakima Valley College
- Wilma Cartagena, Wenatchee Valley College
- Claire Roney, Peninsula College
Committee Purpose
Solicits nominations for executive board positions to be filled at the annual business meeting.
Committee Members
- Pat Shuman, Tacoma Community College, Chair
- Pretrina Mullins, Centralia College
- Wally Webster II, Edmonds College
- Wilma Cartagena, Wenatchee Valley College
Committee Purpose
An "as needed" committee convened to consider or propose amendments to the bylaws and/or standing rules as suggested by the membership.
Committee Members
- Courtney Wooten, Edmonds College
- Paula Arno Martinez, Wenatchee Valley College
- Pat Shuman, Tacoma Community College
Committee Purpose
Plans training and education programs as well as providing professional development opportunities for trustees.
Committee Members
- Wendy Bohlke, Whatcom Community College, Chair
- Bertha Ortega, Yakima Valley College
- Wilma Cartagena, Wenatchee Valley College
- Louise Chernin, Seattle Colleges
- Marilee Scarbrough, Clark College
- Doug Mah, South Puget Sound Community College
- Paula Arno Martinez, Wenatchee Valley College
Committee Purpose
Help build capacity and assist fellow trustees to better understand their role and responsibilities for supporting DEI efforts with students, campus leadership, presidents, and the communities they serve.
Committee Members
- Wilma Cartagena, Wenatchee Valley College, Co-Chair
- Rich Fukutaki, Bellevue College, Co-Chair
- Cristhian Canseco Juarez, Clark College
- Ofelia Rivas de Bredt, Columbia Basin College
- Betty Cobbs, Everett Community College
- Louise Chernin, Seattle Colleges
- Doug Mah, South Puget Sound CC
- Bertha Ortega, Yakima Valley College, ACT President (ex-officio)
- MarcusAntonio Gunn, SBCTC (ex-officio)
- Faimous Harrison, WACTC (ex-officio)